What a ripper spot! Love to get back to WA and experience that! Ps nice alpha flags by the looks of it.
Sue, it's not too different to Lake George, except the weed is very abrasive, it will eat through a G10 leading edge in a couple of sessions, you need some 400 wet and dry with you to maintain the leading edge.
It's the weed that makes it special. Unlike other spots it's fairly constant. I've sailed it for the last 10 years and the weed does vary a bit, but it's always been there.
I first sailed it with a small 45deg weedy, but I think that was a high tide.
To get the most out of it in all conditions a 55deg fin is needed.
Tide plays a part in how much weed is on the surface.
The NM run is another thing that makes Lilacs special, on high tide there's about 2km of fast water at the best angle to the best wind.
The run is a bit short during low tide, you have to go into thick weed and shallow water at the end of the run.
So it's been proved that a 40kt NM is possible there.