If you've ever wondered what happens when you suggest a New Location at ka72.com, now you can find out.
A new area on the site has been added where you can see what locations were suggested, and what happened as a result of those suggestions. There are also some cool maps that can show you how a particular location was chosen for a sailing spot.
The main page for the location stuff is http://www.ka72.com/LocationSuggestionLog.aspx
Give it a go, and let me know if you have any suggestions!
(Or if you want to appeal a location decision!)
im trying to open the tracks and get a message ,(The Google Earth Plugin is now installed!
Restart the browser to see it in action) where do I go from there
Keef, did you try switching it off and on again?
If that doesn't work, I'm a bit stuck. You could try a different browser, or there is a link to download the kml file underneath the overlay image, and you can open that straight in Google Earth if you have that installed locally.
How about the location maps? (The other link.) Do they work?
Dylan thanks it's working, just had too open the link highlighted in purple, it's great often you hear of guys posting and you don't know where there launching from
Looks good Dylan. Was a bit intense for my iPhone though, safari crashed 2/2 times when trying to scroll around the screen!