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My track from Burrum Heads

Created by Dylan72 > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2011
QLD, 643 posts
21 Mar 2011 11:19AM
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Walking track, that is.

This track shows a walking path along the Burrum Heads sandbank at low tide out to the last channel marker and back, a return trip of about 8.5km.

There is a pinch about half way along, which is where I had to wade over a washout, about knee deep, that now bisects the sandbank. This washout was not there a few years ago, as far as I remember.

Track recorded on my Nokia mobile using SportsTracker software, then exported as GPX and uploaded to KA72.



NSW, 9029 posts
21 Mar 2011 1:29PM
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Does the sandbar go completely underwater at high tide?

QLD, 3416 posts
21 Mar 2011 1:39PM
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Mobydisc said...

Does the sandbar go completely underwater at high tide?


QLD, 643 posts
21 Mar 2011 5:32PM
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It's a bit freaky to think that you are walking out 4.5kms into the ocean, and knowing you have to allow enough time to get back again before the water comes up, which can happen very quickly.

I went out on one of the lowest tide days of the year, and there is a window of about 4 hours where you can comfortably and safely do this.

QLD, 4873 posts
21 Mar 2011 5:39PM
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Dylan72 said...

It's a bit freaky to think that you are walking out 4.5kms into the ocean, and knowing you have to allow enough time to get back again before the water comes up, which can happen very quickly.

I went out on one of the lowest tide days of the year, and there is a window of about 4 hours where you can comfortably and safely do this.

Hey Dylan, you could always ride the current all the way back (with all the big fishies) if the tide catches you out. Shame I didn't get to catch up with you guys on the weekend but forecast didn't justify the time away from home. I do have a leave pass for the next big forecast at Burrum though.

WA, 4564 posts
21 Mar 2011 9:41PM
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I can see Hoorays joint from there


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"My track from Burrum Heads" started by Dylan72