Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Navilink not creating GPX or KML files

Created by ice > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2012
VIC, 221 posts
26 Oct 2012 10:12AM
Thumbs Up

Ok. Had my GT 31 for a few months now and enjoying it.

Has worked fine up until yesterday.

Had a session, came home to transfer the data onto my PC using Navilink.

Navilink creates SBP , NMEA and PLT files fine, but no KML or GPX file.

Clicked on the convert tab but this only creates the NMEA and PLT files.

Have searched the web but can't find a solution.

Does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?


lao shi
SA, 1313 posts
26 Oct 2012 10:33AM
Thumbs Up

What do you want a kml file for?
Upload your .sbp file to and you can click on the Google Earth overlay link, get all your GPSTC results and automatically transfer them!
Allows you to save your file as a .gpx once you have opened the .sbn or .sbp file.
Using a card is much easier to get your files as long as you have a card reader ($10)
and it is split in to sessions automatically.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Navilink not creating GPX or KML files" started by ice