I discovered that the new ka72 site requires a subscription to be able to post non anonimously. Could existing users and maybe Dylan give us a bit of feedback and information about the new features and requirements.
Thanks !!
You don't need to be a subscription member to post automatically like before on the old website to GPSTC you just need to register on the new site and be logged in to see the upload button.
Paid subscribers will in the future have access to further features. Not sure on specifics Dylan not home from work yet to discuss I'm sure he will reply when he gets a chance. one thing will be access to all your individual files and replays, goals etc. Hope that helps for a start.
1. You don't need to pay anything to post files to GPS Team Challenge from ka72. You DO need to register on the site and upload your tracks while you are logged in. Registration is free and painless.
2. Paying to join the site (subscribing, as opposed to just registering) doesn't give you anything extra at the moment. The bulk of new development in the future will be done with paying subscribers in mind. I am extremely grateful to all the people that HAVE joined as paying subscribers, but it's not necessary in order to post files to GPSTC. I've spent 6 years working on this website and hosting it for everyone, which has been great, but it was time to provide something more. Anyone who has been involved with WindWanderers and the online speed competition they've been running for the past two years will have some idea of the sorts of things that I've got planned. It was an awesome learning experience setting that up, and ka72 will be even better.
Dylan Tusler.
I discovered that the new ka72 site requires a subscription to be able to post non anonimously. Could existing users and maybe Dylan give us a bit of feedback and information about the new features and requirements.
Thanks !!
To register you click the little picture of a 'head and shoulders' silhouette at the top-right of the KA72 homepage
I have registered but KA72 won't let me log in, and won't let me change passwords in case I am using the wrong one.
You weren't going mad, there was a problem with the site, which I've fixed.
Hi Dylan,
Are there any instruction for navigating the KA72 site.
How do I delete a file? Recall previous files?
Can I adjust a file so i don't show the end where i was in the car? oops!
Cheers Dave
Also thank you for KA72 too
I asked Dylan approx the same questions
He's working on making the saved files easily accessible, for the moment if you want to recall a file you have to use the search engine.
As for adjusting, maybe using a software like gps results to set time limits ?
(easier to turn it off before leaving the beach.... but you can 't beat that feeling when you upload your file and a 2sec PB of 45 knots only to realise it was done driving.....
Hi Dylan,
Are there any instruction for navigating the KA72 site.
How do I delete a file? Recall previous files?
Can I adjust a file so i don't show the end where i was in the car? oops!
Cheers Dave
Also thank you for KA72 too
Delete a file:
is on the development list. There is no way of doing it right now. (Though if you need a file deleted for any reason, let me know and I can do it from my end.)
Recall previous files:
www.ka72.com/search is the only way right now.
Adjusting a file:
Also on my list of things to do (file splitting and joining has been a goal for a long time.)
I have to work on ka72 in my spare time, which I don't have much of at the moment.
Apart from my full time day job, I also volunteer on a music festival, and am secretary of a windsurfing club (Go WindWanderers!), and volunteer for two environmental organisations. In addition to the ka72 website, I also work on the Freerace software, and the WindWanderers website, so things don't necessarily get done as fast as I want them to.
However, there is a commitment to getting stuff done progressively. And now that many people have actually joined ka72 as paying subscribers, there is actually enough financial support that I can take a day or two off a month and dedicate it to the site. That makes a huge difference.
Enough said!
It's great that someone is able and passionate about providing something for free or little cost.
I will be a financial subscriber very soon, just sorting out GPS Team, an ill encourage my team to do the same.
Now come on other users and give a little back so Dylan can really crank it up for us all to use and enjoy.
I met Dylan at the Green Island Nationals and heard about his plans for KA72. It all sounds very exciting with new categories and challenges. For me, this will invigorate GPS sailing and provide new goals.
We are lucky to have had Dylan looking after our data in the past and continuing to do so in the future.
I have just paid my subscription. I hope everyone else will too.
Yes there is.
But you must first create a login to the KA72 web site and then login whenever yo upload GPS files. Once you are a member you have all the usual functionality you had before. You can become a member at no cost.
Dylan, once again I cannot log in and I cannot reset my password either because every time I do it says it is not complex enough or the passwords do not match. This crazy log in thing is driving me nuts. The password that works once never works a second time. No other site gives me this much grief. HELP!
When you open the KA72 page are you clicking on the padlock? ( Do not click on the Blue Log In Tab ) This takes you to the log on page. If you have previously logged on, your previous log on details should be there, tick the Remember box then the logon tab. The new page shows the Padlock unlocked. You are now logged in ( it appears you have to log on again if you want to post your results, but you don't ) you just have to hit the Upload tab if you want to post your results.
When you open the KA72 page are you clicking on the padlock? ( Do not click on the Blue Log In Tab ) This takes you to the log on page. If you have previously logged on, your previous log on details should be there, tick the Remember box then the logon tab. The new page shows the Padlock unlocked. You are now logged in ( it appears you have to log on again if you want to post your results, but you don't ) you just have to hit the Upload tab if you want to post your results.
Thanks. clicking on the padlock worked.
It still does not explain why I could not change my password.
Click on Your user name ( Visit My Profile ) >Menu > My Account > Manage Password > - (Click on the down arrow \/ if details do not come up ) > Change Password > Update.
Dylan, once again I cannot log in and I cannot reset my password either because every time I do it says it is not complex enough or the passwords do not match. This crazy log in thing is driving me nuts. The password that works once never works a second time. No other site gives me this much grief. HELP!
Here is someone else having the same problem.
Dylan your password reset system needs some work. Also a "contact us" button so we can report problems would be useful.
The old KA72 was very user friendly, and had lots of followers. We look forward to the same from this new site but understand it takes some work to get there.
The website has a support forum. Of course, I think you need to be logged in to use it, which could be an issue if you can't log in for some reason.
My email address is dylan@ka72.com
My direct phone number is 0481 586 587
Feel free to contact me directly any time if you have an issue that can't be addressed on the forum.
Bear in mind that I don't check Seabreeze very often, so I will miss most of what gets posted here. You may not be aware of this but I don't actually windsurf myself.
I would like to help with your issue. The most effective way to achieve that is if you can show me how to reproduce your issue by sending me the steps you take IN DETAIL to cause it. When I can reproduce an issue then I can (usually!) fix it.
I can't fix something that is described in general terms, or if people don't tell me about it.
Seems KA72 won't read my sbp file anymore using my GW-52 tried asking Dylan but got no reply anyone had this problem? Use to work but now when I click summit it just comes up saying ( Full Results from your Upload 155800021_GW52USER_20150919_145447.sbp File Visibility:) but I can't get any results for posting. Yes am signed in done everything as usual.
I haven't had a problem but I received a message from a mate down the coast yesterday, he said he was pulling out of the team challenge because he couldn't upload his files , very frustrating
He can process the files with gpsresults or realspeed if the upload is a problem and post manually. If he doesn't have the software I am sure someone in your team would.
He can process the files with gpsresults or realspeed if the upload is a problem and post manually. If he doesn't have the software I am sure someone in your team would.
I payed for a gpsresults subscription today , when I open it it says my trial period has expired , it also says to enter a key code that I didn't receive , I imagine it mite take a while to activeate
I haven't had a problem but I received a message from a mate down the coast yesterday, he said he was pulling out of the team challenge because he couldn't upload his files , very frustrating
Do you know what format his files are in? Is he logged into to KA72? Does he have an account?
I haven't had a problem but I received a message from a mate down the coast yesterday, he said he was pulling out of the team challenge because he couldn't upload his files , very frustrating
Do you know what format his files are in? Is he logged into to KA72? Does he have an account?
Nigel you don't need an account to get your results with KA72, you need an account so it can be posted to the gpschallenge site .
this guy is in the 40knt club and loves his gps sailing and my guess is he will be back once he cools down and sorts it out
Not to add fuel to the fire, rather to possibly add an element of intrigue...
This is what I received the last time I tried to upload my records (.fit file). Clearly the upload failed and despite many other attempts, I've not managed to achieve an upload.
I thought it was something wrong with my Canmore but I haven't really conducted any troubleshooting since. Might reset the device and go for a walk and see if I can upload anything...
I don't have a GW 52 yet, I use a GT 31 and Xperia E1. I have no problem downloading files to either KA72 or GPSResults fromk both units. Once files are inb KA72 the transfer to GPS Team Challenge is also faultless