from twitter = New World record for Antoine Albeau!!! 52.41 kts. It's insane!!The atmosphere is incredible. We are all proud of them. They are Legends!
Watch reports live!
New women world Record to Karin Jaggi as well! 46.31 knots!
Conditions look the best since the last World Records in 2012. High water level, Wind more SE so not too broad which makes the water flatter and absolutely insane wind!
Another World record for Antoine Albeau : 52.5 kts !!!
he must be awfully close to a 55 knot peak speed since he went over 54 peak on his 51.5kt run earlier!
From the very short time between A2's runs, it looks like most others are standing back to allow a few of them to go for it!
Or maybe it is just too strong and wild for most!
From the very short time between A2's runs, it looks like most others are standing back to allow a few of them to go for it!
Or maybe it is just too strong and wild for most!
If I was there AD, I'd be pushin AA out the way
From the very short time between A2's runs, it looks like most others are standing back to allow a few of them to go for it!
Or maybe it is just too strong and wild for most!
If I was there AD, I'd be pushin AA out the way
Me too!
I can't understand why quite a few others are not running? Or is it just not being reported?
Wind speed is only 40 kt Ave, should be there Daffy
If that is true there would be no holding me back!
Awesome effort but they need to sort out what's holding them back because in reality they are only going as fast or bit slower than the wind speed
Awesome effort but they need to sort out what's holding them back because in reality they are only going as fast or bit slower than the wind speed
I think they are saying the average wind speed is around 40 knots.
Here is the run results for the day. I am amazed at how many run A2 made!
Also a bit surprised that some others made so few runs.
Farrel increased to 51k too. Can only see one 48k run for BD, is this BD's first day on the canal?
It looks like he had eight runs but could not better that speed.
Manfred Meles number is on the list and he had permission from the organisers to run but Christian Bornmann protested and he was prevented from running.
I think that is disgraceful! The politics of money and privilege rule again. This again confirms my opinion that the WSSRC is set up to cater for money and privilege and the rules are geared towards protecting those who have it. IMO, that is not Sport.
Here is the run results for the day. I am amazed at how many run A2 made!
Also a bit surprised that some others made so few runs.
AA said that the going driving him back to the start was doing 100kmh......hope he turned his gps off lol
New World Record Fantastic AA. That will get the GPS boys back on the water...
Lets get ready for lots of local gun fights
Cheers Russ
Manfred Meles number is on the list and he had permission from the organisers to run but Christian Bornmann protested and he was prevented from running.
I think that is disgraceful! The politics of money and privilege rule again. This again confirms my opinion that the WSSRC is set up to cater for money and privilege and the rules are geared towards protecting those who have it. IMO, that is not Sport.
What was the protest for? Was it justifiable?
I can't think of a reason for protesting someone out of the comp and haven't seen anything about it anywhere...?
What an amazing and supremely talented athlete this man is - the control he shows in the video sailing in conditions that would be impossible to imagine for 99% of windsurfers, is mind blowing. So locked in - just way better than anyone else, unbeatable.
Trois hourras per Antoine!
Manfred Meles number is on the list and he had permission from the organisers to run but Christian Bornmann protested and he was prevented from running.
I think that is disgraceful! The politics of money and privilege rule again. This again confirms my opinion that the WSSRC is set up to cater for money and privilege and the rules are geared towards protecting those who have it. IMO, that is not Sport.
Excuse my ignorance, but who is Christain Bornmann and why does he have influence?