Hi there, I'm moving to Melbourne in Jan next year :) Wish it could be sooner, but...
Anyway, I've sailed Sandy Point and Inverloch before - what other spots are there for a bit of flat water blasting, preferably somewhere you can get to after work (so not miles and miles - those will have to wait for the weekends!)
Unfortunately, I'll miss the Inverloch speedweek this year, but hoping to catch it next year.
Depends on what you classify as flat water....
Not many places to sail a speed board on the Bay, but a slalom board is fine just about everywhere.
Thanks, I'll save the speedsailing for the speed spots, but just want to use a slalom board in the Bay area.
In a northerly you can try St Kilda, north of the pier. But it is a bit shifty and it needs to be very strong. 25+. I've hit 36 knots up there on a 55cm slalom. That's about it near the city unfortunately.
Ok, so for slalom conditions, maybe further from the city - where's the local spots to sail? Thanks.
The closest spots for "speed" are probably Rye in a Northerly, or Swan Bay in a SW'er, which are about 1.5 hrs from Melbourne. Then there is Inverloch at 2hrs. Then Sandy Point at 2.5hrs. And so on.
Really not a lot of places for going real fast locally - unless the board size increases to slalom sizes.
Hey, there's one VERY good reason to live there, and it's called Sandy Point
Thanks for the help - I've also been looking at "Where are you sailing this weekend" kind of posts, and it's been very helpful. Looking forward to being there...
By the way, what suburbs should I be avoiding when looking for a place to live? Going to Melbourne late Oct to scout.