Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Paqua bag for two GT-31's?

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 24 Sep 2013
VIC, 6149 posts
24 Sep 2013 8:17PM
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I find myself in need of a new arm bag for GPS's. I would prefer one that will hold 2 GT-31's.

Which, if any, models of Paqua will hold the two GT-31's?

A assume the Midi is the favorite for a single GPS?

Can I cram two GT-31's into a Paquamobile? (80mm x 170mm)

TAS, 1471 posts
24 Sep 2013 9:48PM
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The mobile phone case is the one that you want, if you want to carry two in the one bag. It fits two gt-31 devices perfectly and this is the one i use when i want to use two devices. I use the midi or even this one for running one.

VIC, 6149 posts
26 Sep 2013 11:40PM
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Perfect! Thanks for that.

304 posts
27 Sep 2013 5:48AM
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paddymac said..

Got one, didn't know it could hold two GPS. There is a slight durability issue with the plastic bits around the seal but it's lasted me longer than the 2 Aquapacs I've had.

This one looks good

I have one of them, it came in a pack with the last gt31 I bought. Wont use it, the top is only held with a bit of velcro. Its a good idea and now I have a sewing machine I may alter it a bit to see if I can strengthen it. I just use an aquapak covered in red duct tape with a small gap untaped to see the screen on one of the gps's.....if the other gives a higher reading after the session thats a bonus. I use a small clip bag thing inside to stop the genies screws from rusting in case it freezes again!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Paqua bag for two GT-31's?" started by sailquik