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Pictures from Albany

Created by Cheryl AUS841 > 9 months ago, 2 Feb 2015
WA, 12429 posts
3 Feb 2015 10:54PM
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My 2s and 5x10 is from march 13, that was a very epic session!
Unfortunately Evets the local expert told us the run was too short for NMs, so we didn't try any.

WA, 847 posts
4 Feb 2015 12:18AM
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decrepit said..

>>> Most appear to be using quite short fins (apart from this silly bugger!) which is obviously better in the more shallow areas.

Yep, anything from 16cm to 22cm, they're not only better for getting going in the shallows, but lets you get into the dense weed where it's really flat. You can go through those spots with floating weed and foam on the surface and hardly feel it.

But they are harder to sail in chop.

Yeah, think I'm over-finned most of the time out there!

Would anyone who might be heading down to Albany soon have a Powerbox weedy under 25cm that they may consider selling?

WA, 12429 posts
4 Feb 2015 8:51PM
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Dare I mention Elmo's friend, Mr Hacksaw?

WA, 1381 posts
5 Feb 2015 9:15AM
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GazMan said..

decrepit said..

>>> Most appear to be using quite short fins (apart from this silly bugger!) which is obviously better in the more shallow areas.

Yep, anything from 16cm to 22cm, they're not only better for getting going in the shallows, but lets you get into the dense weed where it's really flat. You can go through those spots with floating weed and foam on the surface and hardly feel it.

But they are harder to sail in chop.

Yeah, think I'm over-finned most of the time out there!

Would anyone who might be heading down to Albany soon have a Powerbox weedy under 25cm that they may consider selling?

Gaz, it's the rake of the fin which can bring you unstuck. Most weedies are 45 deg, but you really need around 50 or more. That's why the deltas are doing so well with their 55 deg rake. And as Decrep says, you can go further into the weedy patches where the water is dead flat. Getting top end speed and gybing is a hell of a lot easier in really flat water.
That said, Elmo was doing really well with a home made weedie around 60 deg. But, after putting in so much work on it I doubt whether he'd part with it for less than your first born male child . Not sure whether there's a powerbox delta second hand anywhere, but I'd start my search in that direction.

WA, 1771 posts
5 Feb 2015 1:30PM
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Gaz, just had a thought - if I ever get a leave pass or some of the Mandurah Mob are going down to Lilacs, I will try to get one of my PB Deltas to you to use for the day. :-)

WA, 977 posts
5 Feb 2015 10:00PM
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Looks like I have a leave pass for 7/8 March, so I will be praying for wind that weekend.
Yep, now I've jinxed it

WA, 847 posts
6 Feb 2015 1:01AM
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fangman said..
Gaz, just had a thought - if I ever get a leave pass or some of the Mandurah Mob are going down to Lilacs, I will try to get one of my PB Deltas to you to use for the day. :-)

Many thanks Ross!

By the way, this 'leave pass' you guys talk about, is it work or wife related?

WA, 977 posts
6 Feb 2015 7:45AM
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Wifey ( who is looking after 3 kids when I'm off having fun)

NSW, 861 posts
8 Feb 2015 8:41PM
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Looks EPIC!! Thanks for sharing.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Pictures from Albany" started by Cheryl AUS841