A somewhat unexpectedly good day today. Quite a few sailors taking advantage of great conditions all day. The wind was mostly 17-25 knots with maybe gusts to high 20's but I very much doubt it hit 30 knots at anytime. A few of us sailed right through the high tide on teeth loosening corrugated chop and a few more turned up for the late afternoon low tide. The wind was forecast to die out but luckily for many later arriver's it stayed right up all afternoon.
Some Highlights:
Meeting Hardie and seeing the huge smile on his dial as he put in some blistering runs on my IS87, TMSpeed 26 fin and 5.8m Koncept.
Kato and Mat getting the Speed Tandem going in very marginal conditions for that board.
Watching the Police helicopter winch 5 fisherman to safety and dry land after they lost their boat (?)
And when I went back at 7pm to see that, there was Mat and Kato still going hard at it on a 1 hour mission in perfect low tide 20 knots SW conditions.
Seeing Hajimi Nakajima from Japan going for it all day and having a ball.
Making a hopeful phone call to my son to see if he could bring some lunch down to me and soon afterwards arriving back at the car to find a veritable feast including a flask of hot water and my favorite variety of tea bag. That gave me a new life and I sailed for another 4 hrs!
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Merry Christmas too you sailquick, say Hi to Hardie and Binny, He deserves all the best for the huge effort he is displayed keeping this fun going.
At Gero for a week or so, and wouldn’t you believe it only 12-15 today
Looking good for "after Christmas beltathon with projected breeze like its going too be
A few pics of them enjoying their christmas spoils
Some of the best conditions for just having fun,warm,sunny,20-25sw and flat water.Enjoy
Looks like they both suffered from a shockingly boring session (not)
Thanks for the photo upload, tell em if its any consolation, I am at Gero and the water felt hot
nice pics Kato...you better tell hardie and binny to get there backsides back over here by thursday..it looks like santas coming late for us with green arrow heaven from thursday on...