Run from Pt Walter to Pelican Point this Sunday 7 Dec - start time and transport options - please see
Meet at Pelican Pt at 3pm or Pt Walter at 3.45
It's a fun, informal run, free to all, with a BBQ and Drinks (supplied by Windforce) at Pelican Point afterwards. Hope to see you there.
Note - this is not a "WindsurfingWA event".
How many Mandurah Mob are keen on joining us on our home turf this weekend? The forecast looks good at this stage and we could organise another "GPS Max Display Speed" informal list to make it even more interesting.
Well I will be doing one of my pilgrimages to the sunny clime's of Karachi on that day, thus ensuring you hard done by peoples have a full week of wind.
Please note,
I return Friday at which time the wind will switch of for the next week so if you haven't sailed next week in blissful gloriously powered up conditions don't come whining to me.
As a side note
There is a bit of disparity between sailing on the Swan and the Mandurah estuary.
Living in Bunbury and attending an event in perth that kicks off close to 5pm with BBQ and drinks afterwards makes it a bit hard for those that have to travel 2hours each way. Crab land is only 1 hrs drive for me. I would love to take part but a Saturday would have been much better.
Anybody have the results? I had to bail straight after the race so all I know is Slowy 1st, followed by Jesper and Matt Langer.
I have posted in the WWA area, but many thanks to the Windforce guys for organizing yesterday - great fun!!!! The best attended metro event in years........
Sorry Daffy,
may have given the wrong impression, I think Steve at Windforce would have the results. By the way, I posted in the WA section.
This is from Windforce - I haven't seen a full list yet;
A big thank you to the 44 sailors who joined in on the downwinder yesterday, it was a great success.
Congratulations To Chris Lockwood taking just 6 minutes 20 seconds to sail from Point Walter to Pelican Point he was followed by Jesper Orth and Matt Langer. First lady over the line was Annika Gillgren.
Special thanks to everyone that helped with setting up, starting, safety boat, finishing boat and packing up.
1. Chris Lockwood
2. Jesper Orth
3. Matt Langer
4. Ben Severne
5. Dan Engdahl
6. Simon Hurrey
7. Blair Gavin
8. Marco Gribi
9. Chris Adamson
10. Murray Dann
Don't forget we have the Pelican Point Summer Twilight Series starting this Wednesday, so get there early and get rigged for the first race. Briefing is at 5.50 1st Race start at 6.00. If you have them don't forget your GPS and starting watch.
See you on Wednesday,
Pelican Point Summer Twilight Series
10th and 17th of December.
14th, 21st and 28th of January.
Briefing 5.50 Start 6.00pm