Looks like the Swany crew may be dodging crabs instead of blind Mullets this weekend
Sewage spill into Swan River
Water authorities are investigating a sewage spill in the river in Huntingdale.
The Swan River Trust says more than 7,500 litres of sewage spewed into the river this morning.
Initial reports suggest an electrical malfunction at the pumping station near Baxter Close was to blame.
Warning signs have been placed in the area.
At this stage Elmo, myself and Snides will be there [rigged, suited etc] when the sun comes up on Saturday!
It was always gonna be crabs mate! Even before the poo hit the puddle!
Don't know if will be ideal wind direction as yet as the forecasts are still predicting a fair bit of west, but it is looking goodish
Just remember Boys for when you come down
I'm a Browns Coffee Chill
Hards Is a Burbon and cola
Evets goes for Absinthe
Bender likes a Fluffy Duck or three