The weather turned it on for last Sunday for those hanging in for a last ditch blast at the Pit. Here's a short vid taken by Ka's Peter W' of us on a 2012 proto Ka Race 6.3, turn up your sound and enjoy. You may even hear the fin or me scream mercy over the roar of the engines as the board spins out @ 40knots just as I pass. The 5.0 Koncept would of of been more suitable, but still good to test the 6.3Race peaking @ 45.58 and a 43.5 500m. Much the same result on the previous Sunday with the 7.1 Race too.
Looks like a nice sphincter clencher Spotty. Who is at the back of the conga line on the white speed board with blue flames? Schmick looking machine that one. Is it Ado? I thought he used North sails.....
Nice tumble there Matt. although i feel that if you intend on wearing your vest unzipped 70's style there has to be a hairy chest underneath
Nice one Matt. I love the speed genie SOS beeping you can hear underwater at the very end....a nice finishing touch