Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Uploading to GPS-Speedsurfing and Lake George comp

Created by sailquik > 9 months ago, 18 Feb 2013
VIC, 6149 posts
18 Feb 2013 2:38PM
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It has come to my attention that many Aussies may be unaware that GPS-SS has an auto upload webpage where you can directly upload your tracks and then enter them in the Lake George Competition. Once uploaded, you will automatically be redirected to your session when you can add it to the Lake George event, view your results and add comments and your equipment.

Just enter this link in your browser:

QLD, 2054 posts
19 Feb 2013 8:00AM
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GPSSS is very broken in many areas... any chance we can ask then to fix the *numerous* bugs... eg:

- GPSResults doesn't calculate 24hr distance -> so would be nice to hand-edit the value (would also be nice to hand-edit any other values, post-save).

- the Distance ranking shouldn't be in km's...

VIC, 6149 posts
19 Feb 2013 9:09PM
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mathew said...
GPSSS is very broken in many areas... any chance we can ask then to fix the *numerous* bugs... eg:

- GPSResults doesn't calculate 24hr distance -> so would be nice to hand-edit the value (would also be nice to hand-edit any other values, post-save).

- the Distance ranking shouldn't be in km's...

GPS-Results has always been able to calculate the 24 hours division if there is more than 24 hours of data. Manfred has been working on getting it to calculate 24 hours average with less than 24 hours of data for some time. Apparently it is not as easy as it sounds. He is getting very close and has sent me test versions to evaluate.

I am not sure how this effects our ability to manually post results on GPS-SS.

I do know that if you list the specific 'bugs' as you see them and send it to GPS-SS, they will do their best to fix those issues. I am happy to pass on your requests.

Personally, I actually prefer the distance ranking to be in KM's. It think it make more sense to everyone but the USA. But if you have your preferences in GPS-SS set to show speeds in Knots, that's what the record distance ranking will show you.

QLD, 2054 posts
20 Feb 2013 12:46PM
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sailquik said...
GPS-Results has always been able to calculate the 24 hours division if there is more than 24 hours of data.Manfred has been working on getting it to calculate 24 hours average with less than 24 hours of data for some time. Apparently it is not as easy as it sounds. He is getting very close and has sent me test versions to evaluate.

I'm gonna put it out there that with less than 24hrs, *should* be trvial... ie: just take the full data-set... this same rule applies to the 1hr ranking, ie: if your data is less than 1 hour, just take all of it. aka: it *is* far simpler than having to analyse the whole track to find the best segment.

In terms of program code, it should be *the first* test applied to the data for that metric, then attempt to find the best segment.

I am not sure how this effects our ability to manually post results on GPS-SS.

It is in context because if you use the auto-upload of GPSR, you then cannot edit the now-invalid (in this case, 24hr) field. aka it is a failing of the website to not be able to compensate for the bugs in 3rd-party software.

Relatedly, is used for manual calculation -> again it cannot calculate the 24hr... which is fine as us humans can do it manually... but only if the website would allow for manual override.

Personally, I actually prefer the distance ranking to be in KM's. It think it make more sense to everyone but the USA. But if you have your preferences in GPS-SS set to show speeds in Knots, that's what the record distance ranking will show you.

I'd like km's too, but niether is currently... "Snelheid" is what is shown.

VIC, 3438 posts
21 Feb 2013 3:01PM
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No still carn,t post any sessions onto GPS3.
Tried both methods and just get the permission denied message.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Uploading to GPS-Speedsurfing and Lake George comp" started by sailquik