Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk


Created by Stretchy > 9 months ago, 13 Jul 2015
WA, 965 posts
13 Jul 2015 7:33PM
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What do you guys use? I've only ever had a GPS strapped to my arm, but I find that a bit annoying and wouldnt mind being able to clip my Paqua onto the shoulder strap of a vest or backpack. A bit of storage space for spare rope, tape etc wouldn't go astray either. Dont the zippers on your packs seize up with the salt water?
recommendations please

WA, 4564 posts
13 Jul 2015 7:39PM
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Stretchy, I fit mine to the R/H shoulder strap on my hi-hook vest. Wrap the top down as per normal, but before I clip it into its locator point, I slip it under the shoulder strap, then lock it together.
The main Paqua fastening strap, then wraps around the shoulder strap just below where I clipped it on. Goes around once then back over itself. So far so good, Hasn't come loose and hasn't mucked up with view to sats while using. Hope this helps.

WA, 9 posts
13 Jul 2015 7:51PM
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just make sure the gps or bag that it is in does not bounce around as this will give accuracy issues during alphas

WA, 12315 posts
13 Jul 2015 8:45PM
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I do something similar to mineral with the GT3, main strap goes around the impact-vest and camel pack strap, sealing clip only goes around the camel pack strap. This is nice and stable, but can be slid forwards to a readable position, then slid backwards so it's not in the way.
I wash my zips after every use, but after a while in salt water, they do start to pack up. If you don't wash them at all they'll quickly jam up.

WA, 965 posts
13 Jul 2015 10:16PM
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Thanks for the tips
So you wear both Mike! You don't find that cumbersome?
im thinking I might get an NPX vest, Paqua + Canmore on the shoulder strap and another Paqua + keys in the front zipper

WA, 12315 posts
13 Jul 2015 11:01PM
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Stretchy said..
Thanks for the tips
So you wear both Mike! You don't find that cumbersome?
im thinking I might get an NPX vest, Paqua + Canmore on the shoulder strap and another Paqua + keys in the front zipper

Lately I've been wearing 3, GW52 on my helmet, phone on my right arm and GT31 on my shoulder, not really cumbersome, but takes to long to get set up, if it's only a cruisy day I leave the GT31 behind. I bought a non electronic key that only works the locks and wear it around my neck on a lanyard.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Vests/backpacks" started by Stretchy