I'm intersted in getting into the GPS scene as it sounds like fun and good way to measure your ability to sail and improve.
My wife and I are travelling to Japan next week for a skiing holiday and I thought perhaps it would be a good opportunity to look for a GPS unit while over there. Even if I can't find one I would search for one when I come home as I have a week off work back here to recover with nothing planned.
So what is the best GPS system to buy now and what sort of prices are we talking about to get one? Are there any new systems around the corner that will make all the current systems obsolete?
I bought a GT-11 last week.. cost $199 from RPS. It was recommended to me from a few of the guys that use them already. Hasnt made me go fast yet though
Thanks for that. I work in IT so I know if possible its best to get the new stuff unless there is a huge price difference.
I looked on eBay and did not see any Navi units.
Probably its not a great idea to get one in Japan as the warranty would not be portable, the price difference may not be that great and all the instructions could be in Japanese.
If I was going to Hong Kong it might be a worthwhile proposition.
On current exchange rates you can get one in a week from Storage Depot for A$146 and that includes postage. It will come with a UK adapter but that is OK 'cause no-one uses the adapter as they come with a car charger and a USB charger as well. I guess it could be a hassel if it is damaged in the post but maybe OZ post will pay..
STOP PRESS... just saw they were out of stock til 30 March 2008.. which I guess is when the GT-31 is due for release.http://www.storagedepot.co.uk/Handheld-GPS/sc893.aspx
For a marginal additional amount of money, you may consider getting a B-GT-11, or soon a B-GT-31 (rather than GT-11 and GT-31), which have "BlueTooth" capabilities, if you intend to do some live tracking one day (in combination with a mobile phone).
Buy local. There are a number of shops bringing the Navi into Aus. So I say support your local first, if they can't help then support a store in Australia that will mail out.
I think Wind surf and snow carry some, other wise Boardcrazy in Bris carry them. I'm sure every state has at least one dealer.
To often people buy from OS and then complain when the local shop closes or no longer carries stock. Funny that?
My 2 cents
Try boards crazy in Queensland they may have some packages left.
Simon will ship too you if he has any available, just email him.
Garmin is another that people are using, but its a tad more expensive.