The GPSSRC ratified 24 hr world Distance record is currently held by Craig Hollins (Kato): Claimed* distance 836.02 KM
Craig Hollins, 24 hr GPSSRC Windsurfing World record ratified by the WGPSSRC.
Date: 14/15-02-2022:
Recorded distance average of two GPS = 847.651 KM
Claimed distance 836.02 KM
*Calculations: average speed over 24 hr
GPS #1 19.071 Knots GPS #2 19.070 Knots Difference between the two GPS = 0.001 knots
Average of two GPS's: 19.07 knots = Recorded distance 847.651 KM
Average error: +/- 0.262 Knots
Claimed average speeds average speed minus the average error = 18.809 Kts x 24 = claimed distance 451 416 Nautical Miles = 836.02 km's
Notes: The WGSSSRC was set up buy a group associated with GPS-Speedsurfing, led by Martin Van Muers, Roger Van Togeren and Andrew Daff in 2010.
In International committee supervises the rules and record attempts. It the scrutinises and ratifies record claims.
GPS-Speedsurfing hosts the records and results.
Unfortunately, some unexplained glitch has arisen recently and the links to the record ranking and rules on the GPS-Speedsurfing websitesite is not reachable at the present time. But the record rankings are archived offline, still being added to, and are available through the committee chairmen, Andrew Daff. Rules also available to those seeking to make attempts. We are working with to address the website issue.
So why kato only shows 583 in gpstc? Because it was done in 2 different calendar days ?
Yep, went through midnight
Soooo close!!!! C'mon Kato, are you giving it another go this year?
Nah, getting to old . Will be there in February as usual
Soooo close!!!! C'mon Kato, are you giving it another go this year?
Nah, getting to old . Will be there in February as usual
Nah, you gotta do it again BEFORE you are too old! LOL
Unfortunately, some unexplained glitch has arisen recently and the links to the record ranking and rules on the GPS-Speedsurfing websitesite is not reachable at the present time.
I recall trying to see the records rankings 18 months ago when Kato smashed the previous record. I believe this glitch has been around for some time. Perhaps it is time for this record information to be hosted on an alternative website for all to see.
It annoys me when people ask "What is the distance record?" and people are referred to GPSTC, which clearly does not list ratified 24 hour records.
I would be more than happy to host the info on my own website, if a better alternative can't be found.
Kato's amazing record should be celebrated, not lost in a glitch on some European website.