On a number of occasions, but last I checked it out it was the fullest I have ever seen it, the strip is longer and water up higher on the bank ya know ya wanna
But one has been busy exploring and I'm just trying to distract a few peoples whilst a sneak attack elsewhere is undertaken
I am serious about water levels down there, about a month ago water was starting to flow between the 2 lakes and was touching the greenery on the sides, we've had a bit more rain since then
cheez graters got nothin on yo yo's!!!
dont know why every one hates it?? i luv it!
potentialy the fastest spot yet sailed in wa!!! (hows that for a big call)
now whats that SAS motto?????
Will Hardie now make amends to the wind gods...I,d hate there to be any ill feeling between them given that he is comming OVER here [}:)]
Sounds like a certain unproven spot in Melbourne not so affectionately known as "Ado's Run" that I think in theory should deliver 40 knot plus NM's. Trouble is, we think it may only work a few times a year and be off the dial. Stay tuned...
Yep, but your photo must have been taken a while ago as now there are some fairly large bushes/trees on the bar on the western side (start) of the bar.
It was taken 18months ago, will be going past in a month or so - going to have to concentrate on that area then. See the houses hidden in the dunes? A little further north is where the real nice houses are that don't have a road or power.
So I gather from that shot the run is the southside of the bar, heading east on port tack? Hence the requirement for a Nor'Wester...too much West and it becomes too broad and shifty 'cos of the wind shadow from the dunes.
Can you also sail the northside of the bar when the breeze is Sou'West? I'm guessing not or we would have heard about it when there's a honking Sea breeze. If not, why not? Too shallow?