on the way back from cheesegraters, thought I'd test my new wagon's (2006 VZ commodore) speedo.
set the cruise control at 104km/hr on the speedo this is the result.
Unlike the Hyundai (speedo and odo read 3% high) the commodore odo is spot on.
Yep that is consistent with all the GPS test I have done TOM TOM & my nokia phone read the same the speedo is allwasy under how much depends on the make ect. The TomTom speed is the same as a stationary read out you drive past occasionaly
Most companys have a variation on the lower side just look in any wheels magazine test, hey beats getting done for speeding. I have to set road speed at work all the time on trucks so they comply to ADR 65 road speed governing laws.
There are ways and means around it, many tricks around the computer to make it think it is only doing 100, also use a gt31 to confirm the speed at work . May have been my day off only work 4 on 4 off.