In all the hustle and bustle of moving house, I totally missed the posting of the 10,000th track to
The track is a posting from Sandy Point, from a user known only as "Simon" posting a windsurfing session with top speed of just over 40kts from the 16th September. ( to see the 10,000th track for yourself.)
Thanks, "Simon" and everyone else who has helped us get to this milestone. has been running for almost 2 years now, and at present posting rates, we should break 20,000 tracks mid next year.
New members site will go live next year, along with integration with more events.
(cross-posted to the ka72 facebook group. Join us there too...)
Congratulations Dylan,
it's a fine piece of software, and has made it a lot easier for people to get into GPS sailing and to post to the GTC site.
Well done
Awesome Dylan and well done mate, you have saved me a lot of team work
C U in Burrum and give my love to Kelly, not the FNQ Kelly boy
congrats from up here too helping you reach the 20t milestone too but in a couple of km's per week that probably will take years my sidebtw how do you put your name on a track
If you have a GT-11 or GT-31, then the User Name is taken from whatever name you put into the settings in the device.
Also, the serial number (of the GPS) is loaded into the site too.
Pass on my congratulations to Simon. I'll try to arrange a prize of some kind for the next milestone, but this time he'll just have to make do with my admiration.