Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk now works with Nokia SportsTracker

Created by Dylan72 > 9 months ago, 28 Jul 2010
QLD, 645 posts
28 Jul 2010 9:17PM
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Actually, it always kinda did, but the Nokia SportsTracker gpx files were not compliant with the GPX specification, and the wrong speeds were calculated as a result.

Now the correct speeds are being worked out.

This means that if you are curious about speed sailing, and happen to own a Nokia mobile phone with GPS, you can download and install SportsTracker from the Ovi store for free and see what sort of speeds you are doing. (I recommend housing your phone in a good quality aquapac, not just a ziploc bag tucked into your shirt!)

I don't think the software is accurate enough for competition, but it seems to record on 1 sec intervals and with a reasonable precision. Certainly enough for a try-it-out-and-see session.

Once you've recorded a session with your Nokia, you can export the data from the session as a GPX file and email it to yourself (for example) for processing on

Happy experimenting!



Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

" now works with Nokia SportsTracker" started by Dylan72