Today lao shi is sailing at Novara on the Mandurah estuary with the aim of being the first to complete 40 000km in the GPSTC, then he is going to do another 75 km so he can say he has windsurfed far enough to have gone around the world (the circumference of the globe is 40 075km).
If you are free today and can get down to Mandurah please come and keep Mark company as he sails to show our support and respect for this great sailor who has contributed so much to our sport. Mark plans to sail most of the day.
Novara boat ramp, end of Owen Ave, Falcon.
Plenty of grass for rigging and toilet and BBQ facilities
After shaking Marks hand after he went around the world, he said he was going for a 200 session and out he went again no doubt doing more, mad f'er
Here's the Marathon Man sailing, checking his distance and getting congrats from Anita Sorry mate you're endurance is better than mine, too cold for me so did a runner
He did it (and then some)!
Lao shi finished the day with an accumulated distance in the GPSTC of 40 184 km.
2936 days since his first ever post.
938 sessions posted to GPSTC (including a few 0 data posts)
42.85 Km / session average and 13.7 Km / day since starting.
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Thanks everyone.
Hardie (my analyst) tells me I don't need any further encouragement for my windsurfing obsession.
Anyone want to buy a lightly used GT31?
From memory
Lao Shi 40k +
Vando, Micheal T, Glynn, Phil, Cockypete, Slowboat, Decrepit, are all in the 30k+ Vando (38,500km) probably the next to achieve 40k as long as he stops running into things
Thanks everyone.
Hardie (my analyst) tells me I don't need any further encouragement for my windsurfing obsession.
Anyone want to buy a lightly used GT31?
Mark, the GT 31 is not for sale. Your team still needs you.
Anyone want to buy a lightly used GT31?
I've seen that GT31, it wouldn't be worth $10.
It's scratched and battered as...
Anyone would think it's been around the world and ...oh, hang on
From memory
Lao Shi 40k +
Vando, Micheal T, Glynn, Phil, Cockypete, Slowboat, Decrepit, are all in the 30k+ Vando (38,500km) probably the next to achieve 40k as long as he stops running into things
Id be lucky to reach 40000 the way im going lol.
Big congrats Mark Next stop 50000
better watch out for that cockypete he's clocking up those ks pretty quick.
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Its a sweet table, thanks hardpole
you forgot the future king of distance sailed, cockypete
Sorry about that, will try to sort that out looks like it missed that team. Will post here when its sorted - new I had opened a can of worms posting that
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Firiebob will be happy he's got an extra 25000 km
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Firiebob will be happy he's got an extra 25000 km
I figured he deserved those for wearing boardies all the time.
Phenomenal effort
but there will be more very soon with similar achievements
so the next thing will be calculating average speed over 40,000 km.
I am sure that Dylan one day could come with solution to automatically summarize all records of that 40,000 km and calculate average speed in knots.
Fascinating ! beside 1 NM there will be super category 1CN (circum navigation)
I wonder if we try to guess what if could be for Leo Shi -10 , 15 knots , 20 ?
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Firiebob will be happy he's got an extra 25000 km
I figured he deserved those for wearing boardies all the time.
I think its more correct this time - sorry about missing you all out, there still seem to be some small issue but I think that most people should be showing (and should have the correct distance). Sorry Firie, they wouldnt let me give you bonus Km for boardies.
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Firiebob will be happy he's got an extra 25000 km
I figured he deserved those for wearing boardies all the time.
I think its more correct this time - sorry about missing you all out, there still seem to be some small issue but I think that most people should be showing (and should have the correct distance). Sorry Firie, they wouldnt let me give you bonus Km for boardies.
Nice work, Jeff.
Sorry Firie, they wouldnt let me give you bonus Km for boardies.
I was in this game from the very beginning, looking at your table I need to pull my finger out
Amazing the number who have done over 30K
At least I'm 3rd on the BS list, after Fang and Snags
Sorry Firie, they wouldnt let me give you bonus Km for boardies.
I was in this game from the very beginning, looking at your table I need to pull my finger out
Amazing the number who have done over 30K
At least I'm 3rd on the BS list, after Fang and Snags
I reckon we're equal second firie and there's no way we'd ever catch Franga even if we combined our efforts
PS - thanks for teasing me with those photographs you msg me!
Stunning achievement lao shi!
It would be great if there was some sort of total distance leader-board or list on the GPSTC website. Some people have put a hell of a lot of work in building up the kilometres and it would be nice to see those stats easily accessible.
Scraped one of just the Austrlians from the GPS Team Challenge (sorry Nebs, hope you dont mind).
It could be completely wrong - no responsibility taken
Missing some names (i.e. me)!
PS - thanks for teasing me with those photographs you msg me!
Stroppo put me on to it that day so I headed down for a look see, first thing I thought was wow and eat ya heart out Snags
Don't worry one day I'll have a house here, negotiating with Fang's neighbour, you'll have first invitation