Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

leg pressure percentage

Created by jp747 > 9 months ago, 4 Feb 2008
1553 posts
4 Feb 2008 9:40PM
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i was trying this new spot covered from view from the highway and what a nice wind direction for a change onshore..wind was around 14-18kts and sea state was semi- flat to chop and looked super whitecaps due to the sand shoals all i rigged a 6.3 and 95ltr board with 32cm fin..powered up but not over..i put the pedal to the metal in all reaches and tried my best to do my fastest and got stuck at 29.2..i tried doing all my stances leaning forward, equal foot pressure, front foot straight back foot at an est.60deg. angle, upwind a few meters then slingshot down, 30%backfoot-70%front foot, backfoot 30 deg.bend-front foot pushing hard..i didn't seem to bother at what position i was at when i did the max. speed. every reach seemed fast..if i didn't put pressure at backfoot it be bouncing and by pushing forward hard my backfoot normally goes to a square stance so you speedsters in any conditions what's it for you

WA, 4564 posts
4 Feb 2008 10:27PM
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jp747,Shorter fin, come down to say a 27cm fin and see how it goes. You speed should improve
Hardie indicated a few months back. Get top quality fins, for two reasons, speed increase and safety (they dont tend to let go and blast you into the sail,mast,boom )
Followed his advise and it did for me (with a bit of far off coaching from firiebob)

WA, 6277 posts
4 Feb 2008 10:35PM
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JP, you're doing well to get 29 knots in only 18 knots of wind...

When it really blows is when you can get higher speeds. You'll find yourself going broader too when the wind is up.

Congrats, you've almost broken the magic 30

1553 posts
4 Feb 2008 11:27PM
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hey guys..a 27cm hmmm the shortest i could borrow and try would be i think if i remember my sailmate saying a 28 i was thinking after the session if the tail was a bit bouncy then it must be the fin lifting the board, what if i rigged a bigger sail? or maybe that's about as fast as i get for given wind..i think it's a good fin a mfc the sl 07'model..but it was made for slalom pls. check out mauifincomp. and see what you think cuz it has like a freeride design to it..i was told by the dealer here that for real world sailing this should do it get out of the gybes quick and a bit of tracking unless it's always superwindy then go techto..i was all out today watching for debris and sand shoals and not holding back i was contemplating on rigging a 6.7 but a far distance from shore and trudging in the shallows, shucks i wish we had your conditions min and neb nothing beats a 5cm chop and 30kts. windanyways am all for just slalom, bump and jump but when it comes to leg stance do you as i most of the time bend my back leg at a say 60deg. angle and straight forward owziees got me hooked into going for speed and i never looked at a gadget most of the time i exited my gybe..maybe am trying to apply what you and gps team has and have the wrong equipment..firiebob sails his talk and i have no reason not too his grayer than i am

WA, 3158 posts
5 Feb 2008 3:04PM
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A couple of diff ideas here Johno, General Forum, might help


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"leg pressure percentage" started by jp747