Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

query about gps data in google maps

Created by Windsurf0709 > 9 months ago, 18 Dec 2016
VIC, 136 posts
18 Dec 2016 7:43PM
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Hi guys... sorry if this has been answered a thousand times. I managed to get GPX data from my GT-31 into Google Maps, but the units are distance=miles and speed=mph, rather than kilometres and knots. I generated the GPX from GPSResults (I'm using a Mac). Any ideas how I can get the Google Maps tracks to show the correct units.

QLD, 3424 posts
18 Dec 2016 6:51PM
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send them through ka72 using the kml link, works fine
edit :
oooops, misread : that's for google earth .....sorry

QLD, 2064 posts
19 Dec 2016 10:25AM
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GPX files use the Metric System -> speed units are in m/s. When using the map-editor ruler tool, is has metres or km - which is taken from the country I am located in.
Short answer is... I think it is a bug in GMaps - ref:!msg/maps/8T1YPymANfU/KX42hK5Vs_EJ

This is what a GPX file mostly looks like when saved from GPSResults:

<trkpt lat="-26.200575800" lon="113.740495300">

As you can see, there isn't any reference to the speed-units.

VIC, 136 posts
19 Dec 2016 1:08PM
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Thanks Mat

Maybe Google maps isn't the answer. I'm just looking to share tracks with friends where you can see the speed at various points on the track. Guess GPSResults is the answer to that. I can't see where in I can see the speed on the track at various points. I just see Google Earth tracing out start to finish.

QLD, 3424 posts
19 Dec 2016 12:43PM
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if you click on the kml link at the top of the picture (in "track details") in KA72 it'll open google earth, on the left bar, you will see you track's name, by clicking on + it'll open your stats (2sec/alpha/5*10s/etc)
clicking on them will show on the track where the records were.

The other way around doesn't work though, can't click on a random point of the track to see the speed at that moment

WA, 12442 posts
19 Dec 2016 11:06AM
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have you tried GPSvisualizer?

you can select google maps, but then select "google aerial" you can set units to US, Metric or Nautical. you can "colorize" by speed, tracks or a whole pile of other alternatives.
I prefer to set line width to 1 instead of the default 3.
I think this should give you what you want.
Here's one of mine from another thread.

VIC, 136 posts
20 Dec 2016 9:15AM
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Fantastic. Thanks.

WA, 12442 posts
20 Dec 2016 4:02PM
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And you don't need to do any file conversion, GPSVizualiser accepts .sbn and .sbp files, probably even .fit files but I haven't tried them.

WA, 1774 posts
20 Dec 2016 5:01PM
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Select to expand quote
decrepit said..
And you don't need to do any file conversion, GPSVizualiser accepts .sbn and .sbp files, probably even .fit files but I haven't tried them.

Once I have downloaded my data into GPSResults and had a gander, I use the GPX file generated using the Save GPX-File option - quick, easy and works fine too.

WA, 1646 posts
21 Dec 2016 5:27PM
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Yep, FIT works. He's a nice guy. I asked if he could add sbp, sbn etc some time ago, he said he'd look into it. Hey presto within about 24-48hrs it was done.

You can also convert files. If you have several FIT files ( I had a Canmore morning and Arvo sessions the other day) they will be converted into 1 GPX or KML file. But be warned it converts to GPX 1.1 So I have to go into the file with Notepad to change the headers to gpx 1.0 to get RealSpeed to read them properly.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"query about gps data in google maps" started by Windsurf0709