Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

ski lake merredin WA

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 14 Oct 2016
WA, 5921 posts
14 Oct 2016 4:54PM
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last weekend we drove past ski lake 30kms west of merredin twice. bothe days wind ws really stonking from north then west . the lake is oval 1.5x1km? and just off grt eastern hwy. a few low trees but nothing significant the depth would be 2m at the moment , probably slightly lesss saltier than seawater. noticable to me was the lack of waves. lake is chockers this year after a flood back in june, the lake floor is completely clean all the sticks and stumps have long been cleared ( ive walked on it when dry). there is a toilet block at the access. public access to the lake, long sandy shoreline all round
just wondered if you speed nuts would be interested in having a sail on it. those who carried all thier gear across lake walyungup a couple of years ago would find it alot easier. 300kms inland

WA, 12429 posts
14 Oct 2016 5:29PM
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Interesting landy, but a few low trees may make the difference between a good reason to go 300km and not.
I guess it depends how far they are form the water line, for speed sailing you want to be as close to the windward shore as possible to get the flattest water. If the trees are too close to shore, you have to sail in the chop to get away from them.

WA, 977 posts
14 Oct 2016 7:19PM
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Great suggestion, brings back memories.

i learnt to windsurf on the Menindee Lakes near Broken Hill. I was living on a station north of BH, so it was a 2hr drive to go for a sail on the weekend. But I was seriously obsessed back then and I would head off at the slightest whiff of a breeze (which actually had no relationship to conditions at the lake - quite irrational). more often than not i got skunked. I remember learning to sail my first shortboard there in winter. I was having trouble with the beach start and after 1/2 hr in knee deep water I came out and my legs were bright purple (not pink) up to my knees.

Sorry for the diversion. Someone should do this, it just isn't going to be me!

VIC, 6152 posts
14 Oct 2016 11:26PM
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There may be a few too many trees, depending on which side.

Photos here:

Found this pic in a Kitesurfing thread on Seabreeze:

Video from same thread:

More nice pictures here:

SA, 3590 posts
15 Oct 2016 5:32PM
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Just watch out for Ollie

WA, 5921 posts
27 Oct 2016 8:56PM
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lookingat the overhaeds, I think you may have seen photos of all the trees

WA, 4015 posts
28 Oct 2016 11:20AM
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Could be a nice stop for those travelling over to/ from the east

WA, 3159 posts
28 Oct 2016 3:06PM
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Windxtasy said..
Could be a nice stop for those travelling over to/ from the east

Na that's about where I can smell salt and I put my foot down

Last year I was camped up at Lake Indoon (fresh water), near the coast just north of Perth. It was belly button deep, a bit of wind chop and about 1/2 nm wide. I'd never get a 40 there, too many trees etc but had fun doing low 30's

QLD, 302 posts
28 Oct 2016 6:07PM
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Looks like a nice place for a sail but I'm worried that you might be drinking too much Firie ....was that the last Coopers?

WA, 3159 posts
28 Oct 2016 10:24PM
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WazzaYotty said..
Looks like a nice place for a sail but I'm worried that you might be drinking too much Firie ....was that the last Coopers?

Na car fridge is full


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"ski lake merredin WA" started by landyacht