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speed sailing clinic

Created by Windxtasy > 9 months ago, 26 Jan 2014
WA, 4017 posts
26 Jan 2014 3:53PM
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I have just finished Guy Cribb's freesailing course at Safety Bay and found it exceeded expectations in every way. What a superb communicator and teacher he is, and a mine of useful information (even if you thought you already knew a lot!).
I asked Guy if he would be interested in running a speed sailing clinic for us. He thought a single day would probably do it, but wanted me to canvas you all for interest. I guess we'd be looking at next summer.
Who would be keen? How far would you be prepared to travel?

QLD, 384 posts
26 Jan 2014 5:59PM
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I'm in where ever it is

NSW, 8088 posts
27 Jan 2014 9:54AM
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I could be in at Jervis bay..Hoping I may be able to do the 4 day course there next year assuming it's on. Spent too much $ on gear this year.. Now I need to learn how to use it!

NSW, 9029 posts
27 Jan 2014 10:01AM
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Ask him to go to Lake George mid February.

NSW, 696 posts
27 Jan 2014 2:47PM
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Mobydisc said..

Ask him to go to Lake George mid February.

Now THAT, is a sensational idea. I would be in for a LG course....

WA, 32 posts
27 Jan 2014 12:02PM
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Sounds awesome. I'm in as long it is in the school Holidays

WA, 937 posts
27 Jan 2014 8:33PM
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Anita, great idea. I'd be in.

NSW, 174 posts
28 Jan 2014 8:43AM
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I would love to do the course , Peel st and Canton would cover all conditions!

NSW, 9029 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:06AM
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MattDowse said..

I would love to do the course , Peel st and Canton would cover all conditions!

Yes Toukley will cover all conditions as long as there is some wind.

NSW, 8088 posts
28 Jan 2014 10:44AM
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Only problem with Peel st is you have to go in and out every 20 mins odd- onshore talk then out to practise for 20mins etc so that would be a pain.. Other than that good..Be nice and close!
Unless Guy wants to go and sit in the water and we can all gather around..

TAS, 2343 posts
28 Jan 2014 12:28PM
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Can he come to Tassie?

VIC, 6154 posts
28 Jan 2014 7:18PM
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I am sure Guy Crib is a Great instructor in general windsurfing skills, but what would you hope to learn from him in a speed sailing clinic?

NSW, 9029 posts
28 Jan 2014 9:54PM
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sailquik said..

I am sure Guy Crib is a Great instructor in general windsurfing skills, but what would you hope to learn from him in a speed sailing clinic?

It probably depends on what level you are at. If your top speed is lose to 50 knots and you regularly sail over 40 knots then Guy Cribb may not have very much on offer to improve your speed. However if your top speed is around 30 knots and you are stuck at that level, Guy would probably have many tips to improve performance.

WA, 4017 posts
29 Jan 2014 3:06PM
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sailquik said..

I am sure Guy Crib is a Great instructor in general windsurfing skills, but what would you hope to learn from him in a speed sailing clinic?

How to go faster of course!

I went to the freesailing course with the hope of improving my gybes. I thought I was pretty good otherwise, but I learned heaps in all sorts of areas- including gear tuning, which I didn't think I needed help with. A big help was the video of us sailing - what I thought I was doing and what I was really doing were quite different. When I thought I was low I wasn't. When I thought my legs were straight they weren't straight enough. In the end I had Guy sailing behind me telling me to get lower, and lower, more, more, and make my legs straighter and straighter. I can see that given the right conditions I will go faster than ever before. I have only had one sail since the course and got top 5 scores in three categories. Patrick who also did the course got his second best 2 sec this week and that wasn't even at a speed strip.

Guy is 13 times British champion so he knows how to go fast. We had a bit of a chat about speedsailing and clearly he knows a bit about that too, gear choice, tactics etc. The depth of his knowledge in all things windsurfing is amazing. I think most of us could benefit from a day with Guy.

If you think Guy's courses are only for intermediates, Lao shi has done Guy's courses three times, singing his praises, and Lao is one of our top speed sailors. Admittedly the last two courses were for wavesailing, but they helped Lao get his 26 knot alpha PB this week!

This is what Guy said of his current (freesailing) course in Jarvis Bay - "here in Jarvis Bay I think everyone broke their records- even really good sailors went a few knots faster- top speed on freestyle wave board and wave sails were over 33 knots!!!!!!!!!!! and at least 6 people breaking 30 knots for first time
one guest with good gear went from PB of 26 to 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

If I were to be selfish I would keep this info to myself, and no I am not on a commission!

NSW, 381 posts
29 Jan 2014 6:56PM
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I did 2 weeks with Guy in Greece a couple of years ago. I'd prefer to sign up for the sailquik gybe clinic after that thread a few weeks ago

NSW, 381 posts
29 Jan 2014 11:38PM
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Hehe... people are so quick to reach for their red thumbs these days. Was intended as a compliment to sailquik's gybe footage and posts more than any insult to Guy or the suggestion of a clinic. Each to their own and all that

SA, 2890 posts
9 Feb 2014 5:53PM
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sailquik said..

I am sure Guy Crib is a Great instructor in general windsurfing skills, but what would you hope to learn from him in a speed sailing clinic?

Ditto, would be better to talk CL or even Daff into running one.

VIC, 6154 posts
10 Feb 2014 10:17AM
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Windxtasy said..

sailquik said..

I am sure Guy Crib is a Great instructor in general windsurfing skills, but what would you hope to learn from him in a speed sailing clinic?

How to go faster of course!

I went to the freesailing course with the hope of improving my gybes. I thought I was pretty good otherwise, but I learned heaps in all sorts of areas- including gear tuning, which I didn't think I needed help with. A big help was the video of us sailing - what I thought I was doing and what I was really doing were quite different. When I thought I was low I wasn't. When I thought my legs were straight they weren't straight enough. In the end I had Guy sailing behind me telling me to get lower, and lower, more, more, and make my legs straighter and straighter. I can see that given the right conditions I will go faster than ever before. I have only had one sail since the course and got top 5 scores in three categories. Patrick who also did the course got his second best 2 sec this week and that wasn't even at a speed strip.

Guy is 13 times British champion so he knows how to go fast. We had a bit of a chat about speedsailing and clearly he knows a bit about that too, gear choice, tactics etc. The depth of his knowledge in all things windsurfing is amazing. I think most of us could benefit from a day with Guy.

If you think Guy's courses are only for intermediates, Lao shi has done Guy's courses three times, singing his praises, and Lao is one of our top speed sailors. Admittedly the last two courses were for wavesailing, but they helped Lao get his 26 knot alpha PB this week!

This is what Guy said of his current (freesailing) course in Jarvis Bay - "here in Jarvis Bay I think everyone broke their records- even really good sailors went a few knots faster- top speed on freestyle wave board and wave sails were over 33 knots!!!!!!!!!!! and at least 6 people breaking 30 knots for first time
one guest with good gear went from PB of 26 to 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

If I were to be selfish I would keep this info to myself, and no I am not on a commission!

Sounds good!


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"speed sailing clinic" started by Windxtasy