Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk


Created by yoyo > 9 months ago, 13 Jun 2014
WA, 1646 posts
13 Jun 2014 4:55PM
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I would have thought this was too much twist, but he won finals at Costa Brava with this so I guess it wasn't!

QLD, 3424 posts
13 Jun 2014 7:04PM
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and they work well with huge down haul...

NSW, 3082 posts
13 Jun 2014 8:07PM
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Great photos but Id love to know what the knee things are?? Might help my dodgy pins.

QLD, 3424 posts
13 Jun 2014 8:46PM
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I think the poor guy has all his tendons (arms and legs) buggered, seems to the same sticky straps some athletes wear.

226 posts
14 Jun 2014 2:37AM
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ka43 said...
Great photos but Id love to know what the knee things are?? Might help my dodgy pins.

Looks like leg warmers. I see runners using em all the time. They used to be very cheap than Nike got this really smart idea...

NSW, 2016 posts
16 Jun 2014 9:06AM
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theres not a lot of bend in that mast in the second pic

503 posts
16 Jun 2014 9:05AM
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I saw these pictures on the paw suet and also thought the sail looked like it had way to much down haul for the flukey light winds they had at thus event. Even his team mates seem to have less down haul. It looks more like a set up for proper a proper Hugh wind speed session. Would love to find out why Alberto sets his sails this way for those conditions.

i heard he was having a lot of tendon issues in his forearms and Achilles. Thus puts loads of extra stress on the calf and forearm muscles. Compression sleeves help by aiding circulation to help disperse lactic acid. They do work too, I use a pair for off road running (f##cked Achilles' tendons ) and they really help me, but they do look gay like knee high socks!

WA, 1772 posts
16 Jun 2014 11:35AM
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keef said...
theres not a lot of bend in that mast in the second pic

Perhaps it just due to the angle of the mast to the camera? That is, it is flexed directly away from the camera view point.

QLD, 2315 posts
16 Jun 2014 2:09PM
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depends what mast he's using rather than the amount of downhaul as most sails if you put that much downhaul on will feel like crap, as long as he is powered up it will work. I had some vapors that folded away like the pics & damn they were nice to use, could sail them longer without getting tired & had massive wind range. If he is having tendon issues then maybe he has gone to a much softer tip mast to compensate.

QLD, 678 posts
16 Jun 2014 5:08PM
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Hey mk, do you remember about 3 or 4 years ago when Vando and Odin were using those tip extensions?

Old mates sail looks much how theirs did back then...

QLD, 2315 posts
16 Jun 2014 5:39PM
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yer same effect, id started using in the rs racings also


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"twist" started by yoyo