looks like a long slow winter for us.
so can you launch from a boat ramp and sail on bay
It depends on whether the local council has closed the boat ramp. What a joke, state government says you can use the water responsibly, but local government can stop you from accessing it.
Seems boat ramps are open in Bayside Council area, but the beaches and beach-side car parks are all closed. Wonder if you can park at the end of Bestic Street or not, and would they ping you for carrying your gear across the beach to get to the water?
doesn't really matter - anyone found any wind lately ?
next few days shows just getting over 10 occasionally
Seems strange as you can sail single handed boats (windsurfers) on Sydney harbour...Why close Botany, which is basically deserted?
There were a few out yesterday. The kyeemagh car park is still closed but the beaches were open & it's easy enough to park on grand parade near bestic street & use the beach access ramp.