Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Botany Bay in a westerly?

Created by Windyphil > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2023
5 posts
16 Oct 2023 11:53AM
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Can you launch right down at the near end of the runway where the river comes into the bay to catch a westerly, or is it too flukey?

5 posts
16 Oct 2023 12:33PM
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Flukey or no, I think Gale force gusts might be a bit much for my 7m2 and slalom board

Mr Milk
NSW, 3062 posts
16 Oct 2023 11:50PM
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I think people still sail on the eastern side of the runways in strong westerlies for flat water.
Foreshore road has a little parking lot for plane spotters that gives access to the beach

NSW, 1733 posts
17 Oct 2023 8:17AM
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yes that is the place, but it has been spoiled since they dock big ships and built the rock groins, now is more choppy as soon as you get a bit far and less room for jibing. If you want to have fun in W go to Budgewoi or Primbee, but need a (high rake) weed fin


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Botany Bay in a westerly?" started by Windyphil