Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

First NE of the season

Created by wendell > 9 months ago, 3 Aug 2021
NSW, 147 posts
3 Aug 2021 10:04AM
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I wavesailed my first NE of the season yesterday, 2 August, which beat my personal record by a few days (nice to see global warming doing some good ... ). I thought it'd be light, just enough for waveriding in the southerly swell, but it was enough to plane at Newcastle from 3pm until dark.

Max speed 21 knots on a dedicated speed run out the back, heading out.

My new goal is to sail in July (I'm talking proper NE, not a "black NE" which can happen in the middle of winter) - after yesterday's 15 knotter a 10 knotter is realistic.

What's the earliest others have ever sailed a NE?

But don't get too excited for an early season this year - another time I sailed the first week in August, it didn't blow NE again for over a month.

NSW, 935 posts
3 Aug 2021 1:19PM
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31 July. On Saturday at Gerroa, we got a nice NE for a couple of hours, 4.8m sail

NSW, 1726 posts
3 Aug 2021 4:04PM
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to get a proper seabreeze you need the land to be warmer than the sea etc. that's when the season starts

NSW, 688 posts
3 Aug 2021 9:03PM
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Gerroa - I've had a 15 knot NE in May but that (I'm guessing) was a
pressure breeze. Can't recall why I was actually there, used to just go a lot pre working life.

Also gets super strong westerlies / sw

NSW, 147 posts
4 Aug 2021 12:23AM
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Gerroa may be an exception because (I think?) it blows stronger than places north and south of it.

I sailed Newcastle this year on 2 May, only 10 knots but that can be enough for fun bearaways. The previous one was mid March so it looked like the season had finished prematurely (we usually get a few weak ones in April).

I consider them all "summer seabreezes" if they are within the margins of that warmer period. They all act the same, as in are sunny, and pick up mid-arvo like a typical summer one, the die after a few hours, sometimes* lasting until sunset (I sailed till 20 minutes after sunset yesterday). There may not be much warmth in the land, but the sea can still be cooler than the land. The black NEs are different, they tend to be rainy, squally, and can blow in the morning, pure pressure/gradient winds.
*How late "summer" seabreezes blow seems to be pretty random, though I think they tend to start later in the day and blow till a bit later in Newcastle than the rest of the coast.

I've kind of given up on the thermal theory of seabreezes - yes there has to be some sun/warmth, but it's more about the isobars running in the correct direction and having some strength, as in close together to give the pressure gradient. If it's thermal it should blow stronger early in the season when the water is cool, rather than later when the water has heated and there's less difference between land and sea temps. Can anyone explain why it doesn't?

VIC, 96 posts
4 Aug 2021 7:29PM
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tomp said..
Gerroa - I've had a 15 knot NE in May but that (I'm guessing) was a
pressure breeze. Can't recall why I was actually there, used to just go a lot pre working life.

Also gets super strong westerlies / sw

Yep I was there too...weekend around may the 1st...gerroa is amazing!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"First NE of the season" started by wendell