Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Heat 1 NSW Freerace - Botany Bay THIS WEEKEND

Created by jamesf > 9 months ago, 16 Oct 2016
NSW, 995 posts
16 Oct 2016 9:07PM
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Gday everyone,

Heat 1 of the NSW GPS Freerace series will kick off this coming weekend 22nd October!

For 2016-2017 this series is again very generously sponsored by Remi from The Windsurfing Shed and their brands S2Maui, Exocet and MauiSails, together with Andrew from Wicked Promotional Products. Make sure you say thanks to these guys when you see them at the beach as they've helped us out a lot.

This weekend is the first of four events over the summer, with others being at Myall Lakes, Sanctuary Point (with NSW Slalom Championships) and Lake Macquarie.

The exact launch location for this weekend and day/time will be confirmed later in the week, but our preference is for Saturday, with Sunday as a last resort if there's no wind forecast for Sat.

We will post more details later in the week, but keep your eyes on the forecast and charge up your GPS. Look forward to seeing everyone on the water back at beautiful Botany Bay!

James, Murray and Byron

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
18 Oct 2016 3:34PM
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Saturday's long range forecast is looking super windy from the South... Could be epic?

NSW, 1734 posts
18 Oct 2016 4:28PM
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Hi James, do you have instructions/links to enrol?

NSW, 505 posts
19 Oct 2016 12:11AM
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Check out the calendar at

To join the series for both Formula or GPS/Slalom, just head to

Hope to see heaps of people there on the weekend having fun.

NSW, 471 posts
19 Oct 2016 6:34PM
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Where are you planning to hold it in botany as southerly wind the kayemagh car park is onshore and tight to get out.

may be better to launch from georges river sailing club or st george sailing club

NSW, 995 posts
19 Oct 2016 8:25PM
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G'day everyone. Thanks for your patience. We're looking closely at the forecasts to choose the best conditions. Will make the final call 8pm Thursday night.

Cheers James Murray and Byron

NSW, 995 posts
19 Oct 2016 9:00PM
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powersloshin said..
Hi James, do you have instructions/links to enrol?

Hi George,

We have set up an online registration this year, then you can either do an electronic transfer to our club account or pay cash on the day.

It would help us out on the day if everyone who's coming can pre-register at this link:

Event entry is $30, or $100 for the 4-event series (save $20).

Thanks to those who have already paid (Rick, Adam and a few others).


NSW, 995 posts
20 Oct 2016 8:15PM
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Looks like we'll have plenty of wind over the weekend - Saturday is looking patchy from the SW with rain, but Sunday is looking much better, so we're going to run Sunday.

Thanks to some local advice from Sydney sailors, we've also relocated the racing from Kyeemagh (washing machine in a southerly) around the corner to St George Sailing Club. From here in a southerly its a 500m upwind to a couple of small sandbanks for some speed runs, or long NM runs up and down the river, which will make for some great freerace tactics.

Launch location is corner of Brantwood St and Riverside Drive, Sans Souci. Look for our blue Marmong Point Sailing Club banner flags.

Because there will be wind early, we're going to adjust the schedule from the official Notice of Race.
SUNDAY 23rd October
- 9:30am - Registration, sign on and T-shirt pickup
- 10am - Briefing
- 11-11:30am - First 30 min race

We are hoping to do 3 x 30 minute freerace sessions throughout the day. The format is the same as last year.

For those new to freerace, everyone sails together for a set 30 minute period. At the end of the day, I will analyse everyone's GPS files, and the winner for each race is the person who sails the furthest (ie highest average speed) in the 30 minute window.

Like last year, we will also be doing a handicap based on your top 2sec, 5x10, alpha and NM during the day compared to your PB's on the GPS Team Challenge.

Entry fee for the day is $30, or $100 covers you for the whole series. Sign up beforehand at:

Thanks again to The Windsurfing Shed (Exocet, S2Maui, Mauisails) and Wicked Promotional Products for their support of this series and our sport.

Look forward to seeing lots of people there on Sunday morning!

James, Murray and Byron

NSW, 995 posts
20 Oct 2016 8:28PM
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Here are the details of the other events plus the sponsors.

edit: Also Wicked Promotional Products have made some great shirts for us!

NSW, 1600 posts
20 Oct 2016 9:15PM
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jamesf said..
Here are the details of the other events plus the sponsors.

I don't get a mention as a sponsor
Glad it's Sunday, I'll be able to make it now no probs. See you with the tees nice and early

NSW, 995 posts
20 Oct 2016 9:25PM
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Sorry Andrew! Will get that fixed up by our art department (aka Muzza).

NSW, 1600 posts
20 Oct 2016 9:28PM
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nah don't worry James, I'm just stirring.

NSW, 505 posts
21 Oct 2016 9:08AM
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Hope you are on the shirts lol

NSW, 20 posts
21 Oct 2016 9:11AM
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Sounds great, I'd like to join but I don't have any GPS, is there any way to borrow one and if not, what kind of device is approved? Brand, model?

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
21 Oct 2016 9:16AM
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Amazing how much the forecast changed huh. Looking forward to Sunday. Re gps unit. I think you can download a program onto to a cheap phone and it works perfectly? Much easier than buying a dedicated unit. I can't remember the software program though. It cast $20 to download though? Can anyone else remember?

NSW, 20 posts
21 Oct 2016 9:30AM
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Hi Brett, I run X-motion GPS on my phone and it works without any problem, but I thought I needed an "approved" one? How is James "analyzing" the GPS data?

NSW, 995 posts
21 Oct 2016 9:49AM
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Hi Jmsey

The app for Android phones is called gpslogit

There are a few questions around its accuracy as it depends on the phone hardware but if you're just in it for fun then it's fine.

To process the tracks I need a file in SBN,SBP or FIT format.

Unfortunately we're in a bit of limbo with new approved devices until the GW60 watch arrives in November.

Hope to see you Sunday.

NSW, 20 posts
21 Oct 2016 10:35AM
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hi james,

I have an Iphone, with Motion-X I get .gpx files, that can be converted to .fit
Couldnt find GPSlogit in the appstore, there is a GPSlogik, is that the one?Jean-Marc

NSW, 995 posts
21 Oct 2016 8:42PM
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Just a reminder to charge your GPS before Sunday. If you have a GPS that needs a special cable to download files (including GW52) please bring it along.


NSW, 1734 posts
21 Oct 2016 10:17PM
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I have a spare canmore which is approved, I can lend it for the day if someone is keen to partecipate

NSW, 48 posts
22 Oct 2016 8:12AM
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Anyone up for a warm up session down there this arvo? If there's some wind I could arrive and be rigging by 4.30 or 5pm.

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Oct 2016 8:26AM
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Nesty said...
Anyone up for a warm up session down there this arvo? If there's some wind I could arrive and be rigging by 4.30 or 5pm.

Good idea
And i reckon given the early start sunday morning see if we can leave the gear rigged in the club house overnight. I am intending to course race there today. It is a very active club so can be a crowded area to sail and in the clubhouse. I'll check it with the boss, Keith Single.

NSW, 2016 posts
22 Oct 2016 8:36AM
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Brett Morris said..
Amazing how much the forecast changed huh. Looking forward to Sunday. Re gps unit. I think you can download a program onto to a cheap phone and it works perfectly? Much easier than buying a dedicated unit. I can't remember the software program though. It cast $20 to download though? Can anyone else remember?

Brett if you haven't sorted it by December I have a couple of spare units if your coming down to the basin

NSW, 505 posts
22 Oct 2016 9:25AM
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A reminder for people that take time to rig don't wait until briefing as we will be racing at 11am.
Rego 9 .30
Briefing 10
Racing 11

Forecast for Sydney from the BOM
Sunday 23 October
Gale Warning for Sunday for Sydney Coast
Southwesterly 20 to 30 knots, shifting southerly 25 to 35 knots early in the morning then easing to 20 to 30 knots during the afternoon and evening.

Looking forward to sailing in this spot I have wanted to for ages.

NSW, 505 posts
22 Oct 2016 8:56PM
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I have spare phone on charge if you need GPS

NSW, 995 posts
23 Oct 2016 7:41PM
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Thanks to everyone who came today. We had a great turnout of 18 sailors, plus Bruce, Nigel and Brett who were injured but came anyway. We had some great wind and challenging chop, but everyone was smiling at the end of the day.

There were a few guys who I didn't get GPS tracks from. Could you send me a Seabreeze PM and I'll give you my email address.

Will work on the results and post ASAP.


Dean 424
NSW, 440 posts
23 Oct 2016 7:50PM
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Even though I missed the first two rounds of the GPS freerace, a special thanks to James and Muzz for running the show, and also to the sponsors windsurfing Shed, Wicked promotional Products, and Marmong Point Sailing Club. The T shirt looks great (this is the real reason I turned up) and the conditions where certainly challenging, really testing people's board handling skills with a big flood tide against a 30 knot SWly that was really gusty and you had to pick to gusts to gybe in otherwise I was swimming on my small gear. (This I did a lot).

NSW, 505 posts
23 Oct 2016 8:16PM
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20 competitors braving cold, very windy and choppy conditions gusting to 30 knots.

Every one competing should be commended as it was very hard work in that chop.

Race one was brutal but found race two and 3 much better and able to put the foot down at times in between the chop.

I have wanted to sail this place for ages and glad I did shame the tide was to high so no sand bank but I can see the potential.

The GPS series is all about sailing together in different locations you would normally not sail and you find it improves your sailing tremendously.

Very happy with a one second of 37 in that chop but I am sure Remi will have a better half hr over the first two races keeping up his streak of wins on his home turf.

A big thanks to the sponsors the windsurfing Shed, Wicked promotional Products, Marmong Point Sailing Club, and James and Murray and myself as a team making it happen.

A reminder for round 2 at Myall lakes you need to book as accommodation at the caravan park is running out it is looking unreal.

NSW, 179 posts
24 Oct 2016 10:01AM
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Great day, amazing speeds in that chop. All who braved the cold & wind deserve congratulations.

NSW, 1734 posts
24 Oct 2016 4:05PM
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Thanks Bruce for looking after the flag !

Brett Morris
NSW, 1200 posts
24 Oct 2016 5:33PM
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excellent day and organisation.
So good to get 25-35knots of wind, especially with the sun shinning....
I have some photos that I'm working on getting up... Will probably put on the FB page as easier....

Thanks again for organising....


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Heat 1 NSW Freerace - Botany Bay THIS WEEKEND" started by jamesf