Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Kanahooka in a Westerly

Created by BarryDazz > 9 months ago, 9 Jun 2022
34 posts
9 Jun 2022 2:12PM
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Hi, Is anyone sailing at Kanahooka in a westerly?I like Primbee but don't have the right fin as yet.


NSW, 935 posts
9 Jun 2022 7:17PM
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Sometimes the wing and wind foilers launch from there in a westerly, haven't seen any windsurfers there recently. You could also look at launching from port Kembla sailing club at Berkeley, would need to be a consistent westerly though, one benefit of primbee is you can stand and wait for the wind if it stops, and can walk back in if it doesn't reappear. It could be a bit risky going out in the deeper water if the west wind is gusty

34 posts
10 Jun 2022 7:04AM
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Hi thanks for that,does it get any deeper at high tide?

NSW, 935 posts
10 Jun 2022 4:26PM
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The high tide level varies a bit, it might be doable, or you could walk out further to the deeper water. Another option would be to launch from the Illawarra YC, follow the green channel markers out and you could sail up and down on the outside edge of the primbee shallows with a pointer fin. At least you'd get back if the wind shuts down. There were windsurfers launching from there today

If you're trying to find a shallow water fin for primbee let us know, someone in the area may have one to sell, do you need tuttle or power box?

ps there is the Illawarra Speedsters Windsurfing and Foiling Facebook page, you'll be able to connect to the local windsurf crowd a bit easier, people on that page sail both Primbee, Kanahooka and other spots around the lake


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Kanahooka in a Westerly" started by BarryDazz