I have noticed signage stating that from the 1st December 2020 there will be a 3hour parking limit to the whole foreshore to botany bay. the limit is enforceable, I suspect the council will be inundated with complaints once people receive the fine. 3hour for windsurfing will be a challenge as we know sometimes the wind is not up yet so we do wait around on occasions over an hour for wind then rig which may also take time and sail and rest breaks in between sometime we could be out for 3plus hours.
I understand councils decision to implement the parking limit, to allow a greater turnover of beachgoers during peak times. Limited info on councils' website of how it will work and if there will be ticket machines.
So be aware from 1st December 2020 this will change how we plan our sailing days, get in and get out. i will feel restricted now sailing and always thinking of the time and not enjoying the days' activity.
What are your thoughts, will this limit you sailing days.
Kind regards
Should apply to summer Sundays, which have become impossible, and it should be 30 minutes if you have a jetski.
We can always swap places ?
Lets inondate that email starting now:
The council will drive by & photo number plates so the rangers won't even get out of the cars .
Totally no effort required and a guaranteed revenue raiser so they will get everyone all the time.
Unlike the dogs .
I'm sick of ALL councils .
They don't service the community anymore.
Yesterday the foil event was on longer then 3hour. Will this parking limit now affect all events on botany bay, or will permits be issued for organised events this could get out of control and be paper nightmare for the council. At northern beaches at picnic area there is pay for parking I think it is all day about $45.00 however if you are a rate payer of the local council you receive a permit I could only imagine this may be implemented in the future. Whatever the future direction it will only result in restrictions and deminish the thrill of an outing to the beach. I will be sending an email as the windsurfing shed suggested with my considered point view demonstrating how windsurfing is not out of the bag sport it takes time to set up hopefully they can appreciate this view.
Kind regards Walt
You guys need to get out of that place called Sydney and head north
Agreed! Just fkn woeful at Balmoral, then the sailing centre trying to comvince us its ok during the week????
Well, today they have installed the signs at the top carpark. So from today, it is 3hour limit everywhere be aware guys.
another option is you rig as normal and then drive over the road and park in Owen Avenue or Jacobson Avenue or Tancred Avenue and walk under the cooks' river bridge to rigging area if you plan to stay longer then 3 hours. I think we'll be surprised how fast 3hours goes by. either way, it will be a hassle to walk back to the car or lose track and accept the infringement notice. let's see how this all works out.
Kind Regards Walt.
We can swap our cars around.
I don't think moving your car from one spot to another will help as they plan to use Licence Plate Recognition Technology. So once you have been scanned, it will not matter if you move to another spot you will still get fined.
All you have to do is park opposite not adjacent the rigging area and keep the back door of your van open, then go for your 3 hrs sail, then come back and open it again. If there is a scanner at the entrance, go out and come back. Or will have to rig at the dog beach near the tower
Hi Powersloshin
I like your suggestion, park nose to kerb and leave tail gate of van open go sailing so the cameras cannot photo the number plates finish sail after 3 hours then pack up good day.
DarrylG a bit of James Bond style there.
Kind Regards
So this is quite a problem.
If we were to approach the council to install a ticket machine to allow us to buy, say, a 5 hour ticket, how much would you pay?
I'd happily go $20.
Unlikely but we have to try something.
So this is quite a problem.
If we were to approach the council to install a ticket machine to allow us to buy, say, a 5 hour ticket, how much would you pay?
I'd happily go $20.
Unlikely but we have to try something.
A couple of observations. 3 hours to rig, have an awesome session on the water, de-rig and go home, seems normal for me. Even after 2 hours I'm pretty spent.
It sucks for city people to have to continually pay through the nose just do the basics. Councils seem very happy to spend rate payers money on monitoring and sanctioning its residents that want to enjoy the great outdoors rather than make it easier to do so.
Move to Lake Macquarie (if you're nice). At the 5-6 locations I sail, parking is free and always available, I park within 10 metres of the water (any further seems too far), I rig right at the back of my van.
If we were to approach the council to install a ticket machine to allow us to buy, say, a 5 hour ticket, how much would you pay?
I'd happily go $20.
Have you recently checked parking around Sydney and especially the beach suburbs? Rates are usually around $14 per hour. At most locations that offer tickets over 2 hours a day ticket seems to kick in after 3 hours and is generally capped at around $45.
How many days of sailing do you get throughout summer. Sounds like this could very quickly become and expensive hobby.
Yes, cost wil add up.
I suppose I'll just have to get there early and find street parking. Until they time limit that as well.
Just found this thread - shocking.
A blatant over reach of Government.
For those who are proposing a ticketing machine - not everyone can afford to pay so they they are then unable to go windsurfing.
It's happened already, new sign at Primbee today, wasn't there Thursday, no more parking on the grass, the whole windsurfing parking area now out of bounds, $100 penalty. Tezza and Big Z weren't letting it stop them though
It says no motorbikes, no golf, no unleashed dogs, no horses, no alcohol, no litter, no vehicles, no camping, no fires, no smoking
I am disappointed, no flogging either !
what can we do to discourage use of non approved devices now?