Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Pittwater Longboards

Created by saltyheaven > 9 months ago, 20 Oct 2015
WA, 2332 posts
6 Mar 2016 7:22AM
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BenKirk said...
Thanks for that.

I have a raceboard and 9m sail now, so all good. Might pop up that way on the weekend, especially as I have no idea if I'm pointing well, slow/fast, rigging correctly...

What did you get and how does it all go ?

WA, 2332 posts
6 Mar 2016 10:02PM
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I have just found my ride. Not a phantom but a hell of a lot cheaper. Little bit of work to do but not too much. Will sit very nicely next to my Mistral OD

WA, 2332 posts
6 Mar 2016 10:02PM
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And the sock does come off??

TAS, 507 posts
7 Mar 2016 8:56AM
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BSN101 said...
I have just found my ride...


Are you still WA or are you somewhere local to Pittwater now?

NSW, 600 posts
7 Mar 2016 10:55AM
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BSN101 said..

BenKirk said...
Thanks for that.

I have a raceboard and 9m sail now, so all good. Might pop up that way on the weekend, especially as I have no idea if I'm pointing well, slow/fast, rigging correctly...

What did you get and how does it all go ?

I have an old Mistral OD/IMCO and an old 9m KA Concept. Seems to go ok, but needs a lot of work, is very heavy and I think I would benefit from a specific RB sail.

WA, 2332 posts
7 Mar 2016 7:58AM
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Still in wa. Been very lucky finding gear, lots of gear locally from guys that don't sail any longer.
Got to get the boards race ready for next summer out of the yacht club. And got to get pilots for them too.

NSW, 339 posts
7 Mar 2016 4:17PM
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Launching about 4:45 s' arvo and heading north into this fresh Pittwater seabreeze. Hope a few longboarders (or even wide-boy formulas) will join in.

NSW, 150 posts
7 Mar 2016 4:21PM
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I wont be out this arvo but I am hoping to get on the water the next 4-5 days! I thought i was going to have the teeth shaken out of my mouth yesterday it was that bumpy!

TAS, 507 posts
7 Mar 2016 7:35PM
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Sorry Ayreforce, I didn't have time to go back up to Palmy again this evening.

Patchy wind today. Seriously underpowered I was most of the time, trialing my new high wind sail in a breeze that didn't manage to get high. Sail feels great though all the same. North S-type 6.6. - 6.6 you say! Yeah, I'm not getting on the 'hang on to as much as you can' bus. Perhaps that's connected with being D2. Anyhow I took the gps and just grazed 20 knots a few times in the puffs so I'm looking forward to the next solid 25 knot wind.

Ha! A little bumpy yesterday Seano! That's part of why I've started working weekends and having two, sometimes more : ), weekdays off.

They've updated the forecast, looks like just tomorrow and Wednesday are on at this stage. I'm on for tomorrow but have a whole day of torture boarding on Wednesday so will have to see how the arms are feeling after that...

NSW, 5 posts
8 Mar 2016 8:38AM
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Hi Mike, I can totally see why you guys prefer to sail on weekdays! I definitely won't be launching from Bayview on a Sunday again. Unfortunately I can only do weekday evenings in school holidays so I won't be catching any seabreezes with you guys for a while. Enjoy the rest of this fabulous El Nino season. K

TAS, 507 posts
8 Mar 2016 8:55AM
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Oh well, Nevermind. The ends of the weekend days are bearable, before and after the mad rush. Like 8am in a southerly that came through the night before, or the hour around and just after sunset.

TAS, 507 posts
12 Mar 2016 8:44AM
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Sailed right over a small hammerhead shark yesterday.
He was just a baby, 3 or 4 feet long. Just south of Longnose Point.

NSW, 600 posts
12 Mar 2016 10:35AM
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Heading up to Palm Beach for a 1pm bbq then going to take the RB out. Anyone else sailing today?

TAS, 507 posts
12 Mar 2016 11:49AM
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I'll likely be out but after the crowds have gone. Maybe 5 - 6 pm onwards.

TAS, 507 posts
14 Mar 2016 10:45PM
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Forecast is for a good Southeaster tomorrow. I have the day off and am planning a good high wind D2 workout. Anyone free to join me? I reckon we'll pretty much have the bay to ourselves.

TAS, 507 posts
15 Mar 2016 1:38PM
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Hmm.... Forecast 20 - 25 all day. Currently reading 0.9 knots. : /

NSW, 339 posts
15 Mar 2016 4:35PM
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But Saturday is looking good !!

TAS, 507 posts
15 Mar 2016 7:14PM
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Well, it was a thoroughly grand sail in the end. I had an awesomely Fat time and am smiling from ear to ear. 10 -15 but with remarkably flat water for I don't know what reason. D2 heaven.

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AyreForce1 said..
But Saturday is looking good !!

Saturday has 'Fizzer' written all over it I reckon. Hope to be proven wrong about that though! If there's still any wind early I'll go out before the rush...

NSW, 150 posts
15 Mar 2016 10:01PM
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i'll second that! Launched from Sand point just after 6 & saw maybe 4 boats the entire time I was out. Probably the flattest water I have ever had in Pittwater, I ran out of daylight in the end

NSW, 339 posts
18 Mar 2016 8:59PM
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Going for a raceboard session tomorrow from about 1pm-ish. Hope to see you all out there.

NSW, 339 posts
19 Mar 2016 9:55PM
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Ok - not quite 1ish - more like 4:45 to 7:00 ish. But really good all the same.
Took me a little too long to do my centreboard & cb-case refinements, but very happy with the end result. Nicely powered up and railing most of the time.

Maybe again tomorrow before or after the rain?

[Thank you Kerry for the continuing harrassment with your childish red thumbs. Grow up and get a life!]

NSW, 339 posts
22 Mar 2016 6:29PM
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An hour session this arvo on the 380Raceboard approx 3:30-4:30 10 to 20kn with some testing gusts above. Couple of falls where I couldn't get things right for waterstart and struggled to uphaul. But good practice all the same.

NSW, 339 posts
30 Mar 2016 10:37AM
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Friday arvo looking good!
Who's coming for some big up and down winders?

TAS, 507 posts
31 Mar 2016 9:39PM
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AyreForce1 said..
Friday arvo looking good!
Who's coming for some big up and down winders?

I should be out there. I'll be late though. I got out this afternoon right on sunset and had a quick half hour on the old Mistral Competition. Hopefully I'll be a bit earlier tomorrow but the rest of the day is a repeat of today for me so I've not got high hopes...

p.s. I green thumbed your post to bring it back to neutral. Why the freak would anyone red thumb that?

NSW, 150 posts
2 Apr 2016 5:21PM
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yesterday was a perfect afternoon to finish off daylight savings with! Absolutely wrecked after that session but it sure was fun

NSW, 339 posts
3 Apr 2016 12:38PM
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I only made it out to the wind zone around 5:30
There was reasonable wind but not quite as much as expected - but enough for me to rail upwind and get in some downwind sprints in the back footstraps.
I'm fairly amazed at the VMG you achieve up and downwind on your formula Seano - very impressive. Please harrass Mr AUS-4 to have a run with us on Pittwater.

Hope to get out again a lot earlier (this time for sure!) on Tuesday, into the forecast 15 to 20kn N-NE, and focus on tacks and gybes.
SaltyHeaven - hope you can make it out on your D2 with the 8.4 I'm keen to check my upwind pointing.

TAS, 507 posts
5 Apr 2016 11:47AM
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AyreForce1 said...
SaltyHeaven - hope you can make it out on your D2 with the 8.4 I'm keen to check my upwind pointing.

Busy later but heading out now.... I'll be out until 4ish.
I've cobbled one half-safe extension out of two dead ones which is why I've been using that old low tension mistral sail. I'm actually really enjoying it. I'll get back on the 8.4 when I've sorted a new extension.

TAS, 507 posts
5 Apr 2016 5:11PM
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Ayreforce: regarding pointing - were those guys out 29er training still when you got out? I was going a fraction higher and a fraction faster than them upwind. They were going lower and I think faster too than me downwind. Me running a 6.6 North S-type on the lechner.

NSW, 339 posts
6 Apr 2016 10:55AM
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Didn't manage to step away from my work as early as planned. And still 'learning the ropes' rigging the Severne 8.5
Launched at 16:15 from SaltPan and didn't happen to get a chance to compare to the 29ers.
Struggled at first with the mast track jammed in the middle. Fixed it and adjusting between 3/4 and full forward I was getting into the groove and feeling comfortable.
Had some fast, fully powered in the rear footstraps, long broad reaches - a bit hairy at times!
Came in at SaltPan at 17:45

Am nervously considering another bash today. Hot Northerly is increasing steadily!

TAS, 507 posts
14 Apr 2016 5:59PM
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I just had the most thoroughly awesome afternoon's sailing.

I headed out at 11am into what looked for all the world like zero wind and zero chance of any coming, with the sole intent of making it to Palm Beach ferry wharf for fish and chips. I did a few things with my sail that I've not done before, trying to squeeze every last ooch of power out of it. Well it was a surprisingly enjoyable game of chase the puffs and play the shifts in a sub 3 knots breeze to arrive quite quickly at Palmy.
By the time I headed back out, the nor'easter had settled into a consistent 10 knots, where it stayed until the sun set. So, um, 6 hours sailing minus the lunch. Call it 5 1/2 hours of D2 perfection. The Lechner and Barracouta 8.4 combo feeling better than ever before.

Must be the new (brand new secondhand) mast extension. ; )


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Pittwater Longboards" started by saltyheaven