Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Sydney, Southerly, and an Incoming Tide.

Created by evlPanda > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2021
NSW, 9204 posts
4 Dec 2021 4:51PM
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Where do you sail in these variables?

just had a look at Bamoral, and even though it's obviously windy and the gauges are saying 20 knots, it's a millpond there. A mirror.

Thought about going to the bay, but tide with wind is not my tempo.

NSW, 688 posts
5 Dec 2021 3:35PM
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I check wind direction & obsess over strength, tide a minor consideration. If surfing though usually check tide first.

Balmoral best direction probably NE as seems to funnel slightly. Sailed there last year, surf breaking, E to ESE wind.

Southerly just go to Manly (harbour side), easy launch & grass area to rig near old Aquarium.

42 posts
6 Dec 2021 7:12AM
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Clontarf works pretty well as long as there's a bit of east in it, it can work in a dead southerly but you just need to slog up past the point so look for SSE for best conditions. If it's marginal, an incoming tide can knock a few knts off the apparent wind but usually not too much of a factor.

I was up at Sandy Pt up in Pittwatter on Saturday, headed out from the boat ramp. In those conditions it's my go-to when I have time to skoot up the peninsular a bit. If you do go there watch out for the parking, a lot of it is in a really poorly marked pay area and I know of a few guys who've been pinged. I haven't really noticed the tide too much up there.

NSW, 9204 posts
8 Dec 2021 2:18PM
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Thanks all. I'll check out Manly as is nearbyish: )

NSW, 9204 posts
10 Dec 2021 7:07PM
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Well, isn't this just a lovely summer we're having?

Reminds me of the .well actually doesn't remind me of much at all. What is this weather?!

Even Auckland summers were "summerier" than this, and they needed a jacket for when it eventually got cold, as if your ducking ma was looking over you while you were out boozing or womanising, in that specific order.

I'm scoping launching from the old Manly Aquarium(!) tomorrow afternoon if anyone is even remotely interested in sailing with a dickhead like me.

NSW, 437 posts
12 Dec 2021 10:16AM
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Georges River was worth the trip yesterday though wind was swinging & up & down by 10kn quickly. Berowne hit 29kn on a spear tip.

Sail Sydney technos & foilers sailed 4 races in the lee of Middle Head but that's a very hard sail back to Balmoral without assistance.

IMO, strong SW winds are pretty ugly for most of Sydney. You're correct that this summer has been dismal & Auckland has been a lot warmer.


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Sydney, Southerly, and an Incoming Tide." started by evlPanda