Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Using mobile phone to insert pictures to gps challenge tracks.

Created by Tibor > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2022
NSW, 68 posts
9 Apr 2022 9:30PM
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Problem inserting pictures to my tracks on gps teamchallenge. Yes, it works with my computer but l don't want to cart my computer around the world so, l have mostly used and enjoyed my mobile phone only. Always worked other than since a few months ago. Then it started playing up and now it won't allow me to insert the picture at all (on my phone). I have tried Chrome,Firefox and Samsung browsers.
Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
Ps. Using Galaxy ultra.

NSW, 68 posts
11 Apr 2022 4:44PM
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tibi said..
Problem inserting pictures to my tracks on gps teamchallenge. Yes, it works with my computer but l don't want to cart my computer around the world so, l have mostly used and enjoyed my mobile phone only. Always worked other than since a few months ago. Then it started playing up and now it won't allow me to insert the picture at all (on my phone). I have tried Chrome,Firefox and Samsung browsers.
Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
Ps. Using Galaxy ultra.
Ps. I have also tried to use the desktop version on the phone.

NSW, 68 posts
25 Apr 2022 7:49AM
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tibi said..

tibi said..
Problem inserting pictures to my tracks on gps teamchallenge. Yes, it works with my computer but l don't want to cart my computer around the world so, l have mostly used and enjoyed my mobile phone only. Always worked other than since a few months ago. Then it started playing up and now it won't allow me to insert the picture at all (on my phone). I have tried Chrome,Firefox and Samsung browsers.
Any advice appreciated. Thank you.
Ps. Using Galaxy ultra.
Ps. I have also tried to use the desktop version on the phone.
Problem solved!
I have cropped the pictures too squarely and gpsteam site didn't like it. Strange but cropping it more rectangular has solved the problem!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Using mobile phone to insert pictures to gps challenge tracks." started by Tibor