With this solid forecast for the next few days where will people be sailing around Lake Mac?
I'm guessing not many banks will hold 5-6m swell and my swimming fitness probably wouldn't handle this level of punishment.
So where will be fun to sail? I'm Toronto based these days but haven't sailed in NSW yet since I moved here.
Will happily accept private messages if you don't want to divulge secret spots
Cheers Alex
I think Toowoon may be a bit wild, Umina...more south wind might be better but guessing some good swell rolling through.
The forecast is looking pretty full on. There will be a fair few of us down at Budgewoi lake, speed sailing on the weed banks. If that is not your thing then you could have a bump and jump session off the end of Coal Point, which would be great in anything from West to South
If WSW or SW today , Umina should be manageable ! but might be pretty windy if we do get these brown arrows
ToowoonB will get good once it switch to South.
Never sailed umina. In a sw is it cross on sailing off the box? checked a lot of places today - wasn't happening. Sunday's the day, too west tomorrow by looks of it
You're right Rhino, Sat looks too west again, Sunday more south. Today was a let down wind wise, never trust the BOM gale warnings. So often over stating the wind.
Got an ok surf but tomorrow surf could be solid & hopefully big enough to keep the learners out.
Thanks everyone.
I did a recon mission on Saturday and checked out a number of beaches from Caves beach down to Towoon bay.
I did notice lots of foilers all over the lake on Saturday (marmong and croudace), but it was light and gusty.
I think i'll have to work on my swim fitness and try and surf more. Soo many nice surf breaks.
On Sunday I managed to sneak a quick sail at coal point just before dark. Just long enough to blow the cobwebs out.
Thanks for everyones advice. hopefully I'll meet some of you in the near future on the water.
Welcome to the area Bertie, you picked a tough time of year to move east!
Plenty of options in the lake for most wind directions. Proper Southerlies (not gusty SW like we had on the weekend) are great bump and jump. Summer time nor-easters are the best (like the freo doctor in WA), Coalie will become your local spot if you're in Toronto.
If you're keen to get into foiling and a bit of fun racing, Marmong Point Sailing Club meets all year round on Saturday afternoons wind-permitting. You can sail NE through to SSW from the club, or around the corner at Teralba Sailing Club for westerlies. We also run a GPS series up and down the coast over summer.
Toronto sailing club is running Wally racing on a sunday if you're interested in that.
For wavesailing over winter, Birubi Beach (up towards Nelson Bay) is supposed to be good in westerlies.
Look forward to seeing you around.
Guess im too late lol.. yeah Coal point was the go, we used to sail at the slipways in Belmont in a SW as well but they have gated the road off.
If you get a southerly and the ocean is too wild head over to Valentine, the park at the end of the road is the go, had many many awesome sails there over the years, you will be surprised at some of the swell the pumps through there. Also there is a good spot call Whippy Reserve at coal point that is a fun spot in a southerly and not far from your place.
The lake has heaps of spots and you will find somewhere to sail in any wind direction.
Waves in a southerly is either Hams near Caves Beach or Blacksmiths.
PS.. Its pronounced Tronno not Toronto