Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Windsurfer Instructor Course LAKE MACQUARIE NSW

Created by albymongrel > 9 months ago, 3 Oct 2019
NSW, 257 posts
3 Oct 2019 6:17AM
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Hey Windsurfers!

Get ready for a huge summer!

Toronto Amateur Sailing Club is embracing Windsurfing after a successful year last season!

We have an Australian Sailing Windsurfer Instructors Course scheduled for

Sat 12th and Sunday 13th October

- yes two days!

LAST CALL - We urgently need one more participant to make this happen!

please contact Australian Sailing and Al Haynes now 0438336495 to get this event happening....

we need more more instructors to help out at Toronto, Narrabeen andPort Stephens Learn to Sail events coming soon...

If you have the desire to help others learn the sport the right way....

If you'd like to help with the club's learn to sail programs this summer....

If you'd like to help with various other learn to sail days at Port Stephens and elsewhere this summer, then this is the Course for you!

as this is the basic instructors course, you won't be expected to be a pro level coach, just help others feel the buss we get from windsurfing. If you can tack gibe and have fun on a Windsurfer, you can do this!

Competent Youth sailors are very welcome to complete this course, the main component to becoming an instructor so you can even end up with some weekend work in Sydney or at some exotic resort overseas!

Please pass this on to every youth sailor you know as this would be of immense benefit to them. The kids are our future so let's get the kids involved in making the sport grow!

We welcome girls and boys, teenagers and errr more experienced ummmm older windsurfers like me to sign up.

You may have held a qualification many years ago even like me but need to refresh and get qualified. You are welcome!

Here's the info... please reply ASAP so we can secure the numbers to make this happen!

We will be running a powerboat handling Course* soon as well and hopefully a dinghy Instructors Course. You will also need to complete a first aid course* at some time.

*Note: these two courses and a "Working with Children" Certificate are prerequisites to become an instructor, However, they will still allow you to do afterwards with no penalty. The working with children is easy to obtain through your sailing club, likely no cost for volunteers.

If someone trying to register doesn't have the required prerequisites on their profile, the system will block them from registering. If you let me know who is wanting to do this course, I will register them in the background to bypass this. Is it possible to get the list of people who are wanting to do the course to me by the end of the week?

Look forward to hearing from you ASAP

Smooth Sailing,

Al Haynes,
NSW Committee Representative
Windsurfer Class Association of Australia
Australian Windsurfing Association & Windsurfing NSW Advocate

Phone: 0438 336 495

NSW, 415 posts
3 Oct 2019 8:36AM
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You can also do your WWC online here

NSW, 257 posts
16 Oct 2019 10:43AM
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Select to expand quote
Cluffy said..
You can also do your WWC online here

Thanks for heads up!

NSW, 257 posts
16 Oct 2019 10:44AM
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Select to expand quote
Cluffy said..
You can also do your WWC online here

Thanks for heads up!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Windsurfer Instructor Course LAKE MACQUARIE NSW" started by albymongrel