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Windsurfing NSW AGM

Created by aus368 > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2019
NSW, 239 posts
14 Mar 2019 8:45AM
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The notice of the meeting is below. If you require a nomination form please email

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Windsurfing NSW Association Inc. will be held on Monday 15th of April 2019, at 7pm at Dobroyd Aquatic Club, Henley Marine Drive, Rodd Point to conduct the following business.

WSNSW 2018 AGM Agenda
1; Confirm attendances
2; Confirm apologies
3; President's report
4; Receive financial statement for the season 2018/2019 (Treasurer's report)
5; Approve election of the following Office Bearers for the 2019/2020 season
Vice President
AWA Representative
6; Appoint/Accept Windsurfing Class Reps for the 2019/2020 season. Wave and Windsurfer both have their own affiliated associations who will put forward a rep. The other classes operate as divisions of Windsurfing NSW.
Windsurfer LT/OD
Youth/Bic Techno 293
7; Class rep reports
8; Draft calendar for the 2019/2020 Season
9; General Business
10; Close Meeting

NSW, 239 posts
11 Apr 2019 7:22PM
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Written nominations for the following positions have been received prior to the 7 days before the meeting. Nominations on the night are allowed. See you on Monday night.

President Lissa McMillan Proposer Greg MacInnes
Vice President Greg MacInnes Proposer Lissa McMillan
Secretary Tom Plodr Proposer Lissa McMillan
Treasurer Keith Single Proposer Lissa McMillan
AWA Rep Richie Reynolds Proposer Conor Coleman
Windsurfer Rep Martin Stone Proposer Al Haynes
President Lissa McMillan Proposer Greg MacInnes

NSW, 1404 posts
5 May 2019 7:05PM
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Any resolutions?

NSW, 437 posts
6 May 2019 8:57AM
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Hi, Berowne, here is the President's report as recorded in the minutes. More details later today.

Welcome, thanks for volunteering your time to support and promote the sport of windsurfing.
This is my second year in the position of President. Thanks to the Committee of Keith, Greg and Richie for their support across the year.
My strong sense is that the sport of windsurfing is having a "second wind". Apart from a surge in sailors from the early days rediscovering the sport as they find more time through retirement or kids growing up, there has been a growth in the number of young people and women enjoying the sport.
We had the fantastic success of the Windsurfer Nationals at Toronto with 107 entries. Across a number of fleets, notably One Design, Bic Techno and Raceboards, we are seeing more competitors, and Foiling is also growing gradually.
There's also been a growth this year in the number of NSW clubs affiliated with the Australian Windsurfing Association bringing the number to 12.
Hunters Hill
Koonawarra Bay
St George
This is by far the largest number of affiliated clubs in any state. Qld is the next biggest with 6.
Apart from affiliation with the AWA and via them to Australian Sailing, joining gives members sail numbers, plus third party public liability insurance for any windsurfing activity 24 hours a day in Australia or OS (except the US and Canada), except when participating in an organised event, for example club racing, that is not sanctioned by AWA. Basically if a Club is not affiliated, or the event is not on the AWA calendar, members are not covered by the AWA public liability insurance when competing in events. The more clubs affiliated, the easier it is to compete with peace of mind at a greater number of locations.
The committee has been working on making the Jervis Bay Sand N Sea festival in October an attractive event for the greatest possible number of sailboard classes. The feature of the event will be a 30km downwind race.
Quite a bit of learn to windsurf going on - DAC, Gosford, Kurnell amongst others.
WNSW has made a submission to RMS about the implementation of the SENS - Sailing Events Notification System, which altered the way Aquatic Licences were granted. In a nutshell : We submit that sailboards should not be excluded from the definition of a Sailing Event, which would allow this class of sailing craft to be covered by the Sailing Event Notification System.
We are continuing to work on insurance issues, seeking to work more closely with the AWA to allow members to be covered for 3rd party public liability when racing at Australian Sailing approved clubs - to my mind one of more controlled and safe environments in which to sail.
We have improved the website, and we are looking to update the constitution to make it more relevant. As an example it currently seeks To control the plans, specifications and restrictions governing the various classes and or divisions in particular, the open class (Division 2) of the IYRU in NSW.
This season Windsurfing was included in Youth Sailing Team, which hadn't been done previously. A squad of 10 windsurfing participants receiving 10 days coaching during season 18/19 from Australian Sailing coach - Craig Ferris.
In July, 2 NSW windsurfers competed in the Youth Worlds in Corpus Christi in the US - Alex
Halank was 20th out of 27 boys, and Amelia Quinlan 16th of 17 girls.
Alex then went on to the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires in October, and was 15th out of 24. Qld's Hailey Lea from Qld was 21st out of 23.
RSX Youth Europeans just completed in Mallorca, Spain, Grae Morris coming 9th out of 24 in the U17s, with two wins and a second towards the end of the regatta.
Boat Show: Windsurfing NSW, along with the B14 class Association, mounted a 200 square metre display at the Sydney International Boat Show in August. We had close to 30 volunteers who staffed the stand, and Sam Parker from WindsurfnSnow, Bevan McKavanagh from Bic, Justin Lord from Windsurfing Religion and Greg Johns from Wingenuity supplied material for display. We pulled the display together with a week's notice, together with some great videos on the big screen, and the organisers were so impressed with our display they suggested it was Best on Ground, and have asked us back next year, again at no cost. However, with the fire that razed Windsurf N Snow in January, the sail stands the Boat Show made for us were lost, as Sam was storing them on site. Karen Murden will be the WNSW coordinator of the Boat Show exhibit this year. Finally, thanks to everyone for their involvement this season. Every little bit helps.

NSW, 437 posts
6 May 2019 9:07AM
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Class rep reports
? 107 at Nationals at Toronto.
? Next nationals in Brighton Seacliff SA Australia Day.
? World Championship at Lake Garda Italy, $2500 each given to the top boy and girl at
the nationals to support their trip to the Worlds. Maybe 20 Aussies could go to the
? Many new boards around the country especially WA.
? Event in Thailand in December.
Foiling / Formula
? Formula contracting, Foiling increasing slowly. Both classes combine well together. Had 4 rounds this year and maybe 5 next year.
? Skill levels increasing quickly in foiling.
? NZ is an epicentre of foil development in southern hemisphere.
Raceboard Report 2018-19
Nationals held jointly with Formula at Myall Lakes. A big jump in youth and female sailor numbers was a feature of the 2019 Raceboard Nationals. The event (20-23 of January) was held with the Formula Nationals, and attracted a combined fleet of 47 boards, including 35 Raceboards - up from the previous year in Brisbane where 29 boards competed. The Raceboard Overall trophy was won by Brisbane-based Julien Savina.
? Highly successful NSW Raceboard Series attracted 33 different sailors to the various events - 7 in all, including States at Marmong.
? Four competed in the World Masters RB championships in Portugal - Richie Reynolds (5th) Lissa McMillan (1st woman ,24th) Tom Plodr (27th) and Stephen Barton (28th)
? Four heading off shortly for the Masters Worlds in the Czech Republic.
? Two Australians about to go to the RB Worlds in Warnemunde, Germany.
8. Draft calendar for the 2019/2020 Season Being finalised by class reps. CV keen for more multi class events.
9. General Business
Membership fees. Insurance premium reduced so affiliation fees do not need to be so high. Also a greater number of affiliated clubs mean a lower fee per club is possible.
Club affiliation fees to be dropped from $150 to $100 Moved GM Seconded KS Carried Individual memberships to be dropped from $25 to $20 Moved GM Seconded KS Carried
GM Try to have events at all affiliated clubs as a way showing support to clubs and provide value for affiliation. IYC keen to host event Neil McKinlay their president.
KS Clubs can put in a submission for support from Windsurfing NSW to support their sailors.
GMac Windsurfer LT sail numbers don't run AUS numbers but numbers based on sailor history or board number. DW Windsurfer class is looking at the issue. WNSW to write to Greg Johns about this issue.
PH Spare parts for Phantoms. Did the committee look at stocking mast tracks, centre board flaps etc. Enquiries to Windsurf N Snow indicated that there would be a meeting to advise customers when to order equipment. Committee to follow up on ordering parts that render boards useless, ie; mast tracks, mast pedals, centreboard flaps.
GM Green Island Slalom Insurance. Need to get names in promptly to ensure coverage of sailors competing in the event that is just at the start of the new insurance year. This also applies to sailors going to compete into world championships in Europe. As the insurance is 24/7 for all training then we need to work out how to ensure that all members are covered for the whole year, not just from the start of their clubs administrative year until June 30th. GMac to talk to Ian Fox.
DW Bruce Kendall's Glide board is looking to be the next step for techno sailors. Bruce may be bringing 70 boards into Australia. It would fit into the R300 class.
10. Close Meeting 8:45

NSW, 437 posts
6 May 2019 3:45PM
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Hi Berowne,
the other issue is that WSNSW only gets the members name and postcode from affiliated windsurfing clubs. We have no way of directly communicating with our members. The president (Lissa) and I are looking at how we can improve communication.
Tom, secretary WSNSW.

NSW, 130 posts
9 May 2019 4:51PM
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Gaining momentum on the windsurfing front.... good work.
Does anyone know who the contact was at Koonawarra Bay SC for the Formula racing held a few weeks ago?

NSW, 176 posts
9 May 2019 5:46PM
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Glenn Morrell

NSW, 437 posts
1 Mar 2020 4:47PM
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Find attached the minutes of the WNSW meeting held last Thursday.

Windsurfing NSW General Meeting Minutes 7:15pm 27/2/20 5 Coleridge Street, Leichardt
Present Lissa McMillan, Richie Reynolds, Tom Plodr, Greg MacInnes, Melanie Webb, Martin Stone, Glen Morrell, Keith Single, Neil McKinlay Apologies John Doolan, Brett Morris, David Bell, Murray Towndrow
President's Report
Items from the last meeting were Greg M wasn't able to contact Greg Johns regarding windsurfers using serial numbers. The windsurfer class website ( members use an AWA sail number or hull serial number for racing and members have to resolve any conflicts that may arise.
Lissa reported on the SENS/Aquatic license. The RMS has resolved that sailboarding and kiting come under their "sailing" definition and that they should not be treated differently from other sailing events. This is a breakthrough so no separate aquatic license for windsurfing events is required. RMS documentation confirming this is expected soon. The Sydney harbour windsurfer exclusion zone was also raised. Lissa was advised by RMS that public submissions will be sought in late 2021 as part of the 5 year review cycle and there was no point in submitting documents now.
Unfortunately, the proposed relay event for late February was not able to take place.
Glen M reported on NSW foiling. He is expecting foiling to pick up more in 20/21 as the iQFoil will be the Olympic windsurfer for Paris 2024. The 3rd foil nationals was held in RQYS, Manly Qld and went very well. It is likely that the 20/21 nationals will be held at the same venue as the NZ, New Caledonia and Singapore entrants found it easy to get to. The foil class is likely to have more regatta events in 20/21. Rounds 3 & 4 of the NSW series had 13 attendees. In Glen M's view Formula is "dead." There were no participants at the 2020 nationals & few are sailing in NSW.
Lissa reported on Raceboards. The 21st to 25th of January at Kurnell is being proposed for the 20/21 nationals and discussions are continuing with the club. Raceboards will continue with the Huskisson Sand & Sea event on the 24 & 25th of October. Other more tentative dates are 3 & 4th of October at Palm Beach Sailing Club and the state titles on the 14th & 15th of November. Toronto and Saratoga are possible options for the states. The Raceboard nationals at RQYS delivered a net loss of $184 which was a good result given no Formula participation.
KS reported on St George sailing club. Demolition is ongoing. There will not be a club for the 20/21 season so sailing will again be from Georges River sailing club. The Windsurfer class are increasing in numbers.
Martin S reported on the windsurfer class. The December 2020 worlds to be held in Perth is a focus this year and a number of raceboarders will attend Perth. The fleet continues to increase Royal Prince Alfred Yacht club with Friday twilight racing. Al Haynes and others are teaching at Toronto Sailing Club.
Melanie W reported on Balmoral. They are already in training for the Perth worlds and 4 members have entered the World Masters Games to be held in July 2021 in Kansai Japan. Club numbers continue to increase.
GregM reported on DAC. Raceboards are increasing in numbers wile windsurfers have been static. RR and LM continue to train new members & now offer an improving windsurfer course.
GlenM reported on KBC. They have 4 very active foilers but it isn't sufficient for course racing. As a result, they often sail out of Port Kembla sailing club to get competition against a mixed fleet.
Neil M reported on IYC. They have 29 registered members of which 7 are never seen, 7 are learners, 7 are "oldies" and 7 are competent sailors. Typical Saturdays have 10-12 sailors competing.
Richie R talked about giving Raceboard class feedback to Starboard. They are working on a new mast track design that can be retrofitted into existing tracks. There was no time given on availability. Starboard are now distributing mast track warranty parts on a timely basis.
Richie talked about the AWA. The next AWA meeting is Thursday 19th of March. There is nothing to report on insurance since the October meeting.
There are currently 802 AWA members. The AWA analysis of member postcodes show that 257 come from NSW & ACT (32%), WA have 219 (27%), Qld, 125 (16%), Victoria, 92 (11%), SA 66 (8%) and TAS 35 (4%) and 8 members with no postcode.
The AWA have paid the affiliation fee of E200 to the iQFoil class.
The WNSW website continues to progress. Glen M will look to install a payment gateway on the website. RR has developed the event planning sheet. To date, there has been no use from other classes outside of Raceboard.
Lissa proposed that the WNSW AGM be held at DAC on Monday 18th of May, 2020. One of the agenda items will be to investigate how to confer WNSW life memberships. There is currently no such item in the WNSW constitution. The meeting closed at 9.19pm.

NSW, 995 posts
1 Mar 2020 9:57PM
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Thanks for the update. Great news on not needing aquatic licences anymore That will save a lot of paperwork.

NSW, 1255 posts
2 Mar 2020 9:11PM
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Hmmm James. I don't think it said that aquatic licences wont be required, just that they will be the same as sailing club requirements?

I wasn't at the meeting though...

NSW, 437 posts
3 Mar 2020 1:06PM
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It should mean that aquatic licences are no longer necessary for windsurfing races or events as they will be covered by SENS (with everything that goes with SENS.) Waiting for official confirmation.

NSW, 1255 posts
3 Mar 2020 8:41PM
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Wow, Ok I just read your link Regal, That's great! I retract my statement above, sorry James...

NSW, 995 posts
3 Mar 2020 10:18PM
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No worries Geoff, it's nice to see the government making something easier for a change!


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Windsurfing NSW AGM" started by aus368