Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Windsurfing around Manly

Created by AusMoz > 9 months ago, 10 Sep 2020
QLD, 1470 posts
10 Sep 2020 5:20PM
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Will be in Manly for 2 months with work. Any places for windsurfing around there?????? will have no gear with me so hire would be good too? looking at flat water not waves.


NSW, 28 posts
10 Sep 2020 10:30PM
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AusMoz said..
Will be in Manly for 2 months with work. Any places for windsurfing around there?????? will have no gear with me so hire would be good too? looking at flat water not waves.


I usually sail on Narrabeen Lakes but it's pretty gusty and light most of the time. Botany bay is supposed to be good but that's a fair hike from the beaches. Otherwise if you drive North there is Canton, Budgewoi, etc.

NSW, 349 posts
11 Sep 2020 8:35AM
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Hey AusMoz , how'd you get across the border.
Come visit us up at Gosford. I'll loan you some nice gear for how ever long you are down here.

Lyndon (the whitsunday guy)

QLD, 1470 posts
11 Sep 2020 10:32AM
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Heavy1 said..
Hey AusMoz , how'd you get across the border.
Come visit us up at Gosford. I'll loan you some nice gear for how ever long you are down here.

Lyndon (the whitsunday guy)

Cheers Lyndon, send you a message.


NSW, 688 posts
14 Sep 2020 12:53PM
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You're in luck as WSS boards (formerly wind surf n snow) are now located on Pittwater Rd, North Manly. I'm sure you can negotiate hire for short term.

Manly (harbourside) good for southerly winds. 2 hour free parking east/west esplanade. More SE go to Clontarf.

NE go to Balmoral (all paid parking), weekdays plenty of spots. You can unload then move your car to an unrestricted spot. Weekends is pretty hopeless so unless NE'r is blasting it will be busy.

NE Narrabeen Lake is popular, Middle Creek carpark exit off Wakehurst Pkwy. Needs 15 knots to get decent unless foiling but seems to attract a few desperates less than 12 knots.

Some NE winds this time of year, don't really get the decent seabreezes (NE/nor'easter) until it gets warmer. Some southerlies, maybe some strong westerlies but usually infrequent by October.

QLD, 1470 posts
11 Nov 2020 5:23PM
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Seen 2 guys out from Manly today going past Collins beach towards North Head Looked pretty good in a NE!!!@

QLD, 1470 posts
22 Nov 2020 3:17PM
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Hired some gear at Balmoral, some reasonable gear just absolute crapp sailing spot,Never again going there! Mega dissapointment!

NSW, 104 posts
23 Nov 2020 9:34PM
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tomorrow at Kyameagh in the Southerley should be ok

NSW, 436 posts
26 Nov 2020 9:09AM
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Easy parking mid week at Balmoral

NSW, 106 posts
8 Dec 2020 4:24PM
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Hi all,

I've escaped winter in San Francisco and just located myself in Manly/Queenscliff for the next 5 months.

My situation is somewhat similar but different. I brought with me a small amount of wave gear (5.0 + 5.5 sails + 94l quad) and looking to get some time on the water. I used to live in Elizabeth Bay, hence regularly sailed botany bay in flatwater and went to Gerrora for a few times before heading to the US. But now looking to explore some suitable wave spots at the Northern Beaches.

Would anyone be interested in heading out with me in the next few weeks at some of the local spots? Btw. I WFH US hours, so usually free from noon/1pm. DMs very welcome! ????

BTW: Can you sail big Manly beach towards the Manly vale end in a SE? If so, Is it allowed before 6pm?


NSW, 688 posts
8 Dec 2020 8:18PM
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Wind is looking good for the end of this week and possibly for a few days following. Head to Collaroy,
Fisherman's beach/brownwater, it's good for SSE / SE / ESE. There will be wavesailors there & wing dingers
and maybe some kiters getting in the way.

You may want to pick up a 4.5 or 4.7, only place is WSS boards which is on Pittwater Rd, North Manly.
You'll need smaller than a 5.0 if we get southerly wind or perhaps a NE at Wanda & definitely for a NE
at Gerroa. Southerly good at Long Reef also, cross-on and littered with kiters.

Manly beach can be sailed in NE and southerly, too onshore in SE, go to Collaroy. NE there are kiters out
(cross-on) in the middle of the beach but it doesn't usually get strong enough even for 5.5m.

I sail Manly in a southerly (north end - Queenscliff) but it's only really decent if it's 20 knots as doesn't
fill in properly and too frustrating so I prefer to go on the harbour-side even though flatwater.

See you out there...


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Windsurfing around Manly" started by AusMoz