Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

Wnsw Agm

Created by regal1 > 9 months ago, 4 Aug 2021
NSW, 437 posts
4 Aug 2021 4:44PM
Thumbs Up

The WNSW AGM notice & documents was emailed to financial NSW domiciled WNSW members last month.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

A notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Windsurfing NSW Association Inc. will be held on Monday 16th of August 2021, at 7pm.

Attendance will be via Zoom, so please register with the Secretary (Tom Plodr before 13th August to participate. If you have any queries or concerns about this arrangement, initiated in response to COVID-19 concerns but also to allow greater participation given this is a state-wide organisation, please contact the President (Lissa McMillan

Nominations shall be in writing (nomination form attached), signed by the nominee and proposer and shall be received by the Secretary (Tom Plodr not later than 7 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting (i.e. 9th August).
The major item is the special resolution proposal to adopt an amended WNSW constitution. The committee has worked to modernise and reflect what has been happening for the past 5 years. There are three attachments. Attachment 1 is the WNSW 1988 (amended) constitution. Attachment 2 is the marked-up constitution, so members can readily see where the proposed changes have been made. Attachment 3 is the proposed WNSW constitution. Please note under the current constitution only a single rep from each financial affiliated club is able to vote.

The main changes are:
? Association objectives drop open class DII reference & make it wider and inclusive.
? Clear definitions of Affiliates (clubs that affiliate with WNSW) & Members (windsurfing members of the Affiliate clubs) with NSW resident members able to vote.
? Membership still through clubs and classes, but individual voting at AGM.
? Modernisation to allow electronic meetings.
? Definition of AWA included.

WSNSW 2021 AGM Agenda

1. Confirm attendances

2. Confirm apologies

3. Minutes of 2020 AGM WNSW Minutes 2020

4. President's report

5. Receive financial statement for the season 2020/2021 (Treasurer's report)

6. It is proposed that the new WNSW constitution (see attachment 3) be adopted.

Under the current Constitution, the only people allowed to vote on the resolution are the representatives from the following clubs. Only one rep per club is permitted:

? Balmoral
? Hunters Hill
? Koonawarra Bay
? Marmong Pt
? NSW Wave Sailing Association
? Palm Beach
? Saratoga
? St George
? Stormriders
? Windsurfer Class Association of Australia

7. Election of the following Office Bearers for the 2021/2022 season (if agenda item 6 is passed, all NSW domiciled WNSW members may vote on following items)

a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. AWA Representative

8. Elect/Accept Windsurfing Class Reps for the 2021/2022 season. Wave and Windsurfer both have their own affiliated associations who will put forward a rep. The other classes operate as divisions of Windsurfing NSW.

a. Wave
b. Windsurfer LT/OD
c. Raceboards
d. Slalom/GPS
e. Youth/Bic Techno 293
f. Foiling
g. Any other classes?

9. Class rep reports

10. Draft calendar for the 2021/2022 Season -

11. Affiliation fee - Currently $100 / club and $20 / member.

12. Life Member/s

13. General Business

14. Close Meeting


Forums > Windsurfing   New South Wales

"Wnsw Agm" started by regal1