Well done Leo (still can't believe you are a heavyweight)
Looks like there was some close racing in different conditions each day. Would have been fun today
What a fantastic event! I still can't lift my arms above my head!
Thanks to everyone for making this happen, special thanks to Tony for the lend of his board and Board Crazy for the supply of the new toys to make it go faster!
PS: Leo still owes me a beer for letting him through on port!
Well done Leo and to all the competitors, there was some great battles out there and I am sure after three days of course racing you are all feeling it.
Great work and a big thank you to the organisers, in particular Brendan Moore, Cameron Whitford and Tony Matta for all of the background work required to organise and secure such an event. It was an outstanding success you should be very proud of. Also thanks to Board Crazy and RQYS for their sponsorship and support in providing the facilities, resources and volunteers to make the event world class.
The families and sailors who have developed the relationship with RQYS also deserve a big thanks because they have made events like this possible and I can see a lot of benefits in the coming years with the development programs they have underway. Some of them were in the support boats all weekend, which is something they do week in week out to help develop the relationship with the club.
Well done to all and I look forward to more event like this in the future.