It was blowing its socks off this morning at my place in Ningi when I packing and paddles confirmed it by his observation at sandstone.
...So I didn't pack my lightwind board or 7.5 or 8.5 sails, just the 6.0, 5.2 and 4.6
By the time I got there three people had rigged so by Murphys Law- 3 x 5 knots per sail =not enough wind
We all had fun though so what more could you want?
Andrew & Janet, Jeff, John, Paddles and I.
Janet planed about all over the show, the rest of us did what we could.....
Paddles practiced beachstarts, Andrew tried a few different boards, Jeff rigged his big stuff, John had a go then went looking for more wind around the point at Bribie and I had coffee and cake with Liz from Canada and then had a loan of Jeff's 7.5
There's a lovely 10-15kn ESE cooling things off here at Beachy at the moment and tomorrow it looks like back to NE, are all you Sandstone kids sailing Turner's Camp tomorrow? I'm thinking of trying to be there around 1100 to 1200 to get in a few beginner runs in the lighter wind before it blows a bit stronger through the afternoon. I'm a bit knocked up today after Pete had me practising beach starts on Friday so have enjoyed a day off but am keen for tomorrow to continue the learning experience.
Is that the "Royal We"??? From the Artist formally known as TNW.
I am coming over to test my frustration levels again. Will have to leave mid afternoon due to family commitments, so might try and head over early for some long board fun.
Harness is in the car John.
Okee dokee, i'm up for an earlier kick off see you guys around 0930-1000. Thanx for bringing the harness Brad, i'll catch you in the morning.
Epic day at Turners Camp with Adam, Jeff, Steve, Tony, Mike and John. Who did I forget?
Adam and John are our newbies so they were on their big star boards and 5 m sails.
Tony loves his new carve
Tony rigged 8 & I rigged 8.5 and ballast was on an 8 we took out our wide early planers and by the time we rigged it was starting to come in.
We had a session and it kept building and building till it just wasn't fun any more
I came in and put the sail on my 140 naish and went out again and it kept building
After a few hair raising rides I came back in and rigged 5.2!!!!!!!
tony loves his new carve
it was hooting!
by this time Steve arrived
Our two newbies were still out there hanging on!!!!
we all opted for 5 to 6 m sails and had a ball
Jeff finally arrived with his big gear, luckily he did bring a 5.8 sail so his brand new starboard hypersonic stayed dry.
Tony loves his new carve
A great day, fun for some, character building for others and educational for the rest
Tony loves his new board
All I can say is that I'm glad I made a nice early start this morning so I could get a few good learning runs in when it was only 10-15 before that northeaster really blew up hard. Great photo Pete, when there's small waves breaking on the beach at Turner's Camp you know it's blowing and it's going to sort the learners like me from the rest. Those last couple of runs where my arms were pulling pretty hard and I still went over the bars told me it was time to pack up and head home with my tail between my legs. I guess I was educated a bit and also had my character built a bit today, as well as blowing Jeff's theory that the wind drops 5 knots as soon as I get in the water
Very friendly day at turners camp. Good roll up of mixed abilities.
Lots of learning happening - john and Adam making progress on their fat boards
Brad working on his carve 151 technique. Tony getting more of his gybes in on the carve 141.
Pete helping everybody out - thanks Pete
Steve out on his BIC techno working on building his fitness back up after some setbacks
Mark from Bribie arrived late and put on a splendid display of mastering the conditions on his carve 121
Me - working on techniques for surviving big gusty winds
Xmas cake and coffee to celebrate the day
Life is great - thanks team - gratitude
Cheers Jeff
Tony on his One True Love and Jeff testing out Pete's Magic Carpet.
Looks flatter than it was.
After watching Mark on his Carve, I have figured out what's wrong with mine. It has me on it!!!
See you next time.
Great photos Brad, and yeah Jeff this Sandstone Point / Turner's Camp gig every weekend is turning into a great little social sailing gathering with coffee, cake and cookies and coaching clinic thanks to everyone. We're starting to take over the carpark and the front lawn. Long range forecast is looking like SE so I'm guessing we'll be back on the other side at Pebble Beach next weekend.
No, not me. Gybe the same though??Great pics brad, glad we have a historical record of the day.
I was going to go out again today just to piss off all the workers but I had a real estate appointment and broke my 490 mast yesterday ( while it was on shore thank god) and then we had storms a' commin so stayed home. Don't know if anybody else went out today?
tomorrow looks good too. No storms or real estate agents either.....I hope...
Looking good for sandstone pt tomorrow. Looking at getting ready 10-11. Who is in :-) - who has to work :-(
Cheers Jeff
Ps next 4 days look a ripper
I'll be sooking at work now I know that you guys will be having fun tomorrow. Yep, plenty of wind over the next 4 days, high tides first light and dusk on the weekend, are you sailing over the weekend Jeff?
4 days rosetted off
Back to work next monday - looking forward to working on my high wind survival over next few days
I was going to suggest that we should all accompany our posts with a photograph.
Apart from being more interesting it will -
make what we send relevant, give us a chance to brag, sell something, show off,
show off our girlfriend, let people know how brave we are,
land last but not least show how much fun windsurfing is!!!!
More big SE predicted today.
Body a little battle weary from yesterday's nuclear conditions
Today looks a little more manageable
Regulars are kicking off around 12
See you there?
Cheers Jeff
Pete took video yesterday ...waiting
Keen for more sailing team???????
I'm heading over to Bongaree this morning (family stuff this arvo) to sail low tide - hope it's not too roough
Best sailing today will be this arvo at sandstone catching incoming tide - should be good development (harness) time for the beginners. Tide is probably doable from 2ish
Sunday I'm aiming for afternoon sailing at sandstone at this stage - have promised to finally mow the lawn tomorrow morning
Cheers Jeff
Rightyo Jeff, I'm mowing this morning and I'll sail Sandstone this arvo after I drop the ladies off at the pub and I'll catch up with you tomorrow arvie at Sandstone. I've got some catching up to do so I can keep up with Adam. Enjoy Bongaree, the breeze is still there today.
Light breeze sail this morning with Thomas
Bribie John had already been out with 6m sail in the early morning winds.
When I rigged there was minimal winds. I rigged the 8.5 Ezzy and used the 150l fanatic stingray (80cm). I had left the jpSLW at home with the 9.5 sail - go figure after all the wind we have had.
Sailed out from Bongaree through the swell heading for the flat low tide water. What a playground
Long locked in planing sessions - not powered up enough to make upwind headway against the incoming tide
Finally ended up down at the Jetty again - but happy to as it was a planned downwind run - wahoo
Thomas struggled to get through the swell and tired uphauling with a small board. Not really beginner teritory but he could only get out this morning. Full marks Thomas for persevering
Looks like some pleasant beginners weather this arvo at sandstone
Cheers Jeff
I can't believe how ell our two newbies John and Adam are doing, it's only a few weeks and Adam is in the harness and footstraps and John is in the harness.
Where were these big wide boards when I was learning?
Sailed sandstone again this arvo and Steve was on the 150 go with a 7.5 v8 and my deep Tuttle weed fin and was planing from the word go, gybes, tacks and stayed dry too.
I had my f2 and 7.4 and crossed about a bit, very enjoyable. I'll try to add a pic but..... The
Sandstone tomorrow arvie is go for 1430 onwards Tony, should be myself, Adam, Jeff, Pete and you. I'll flick Brad a message in the morning to let him know. Sandstone was great this arvie, Steve was flying on Jeff's old board and he's already talking tri fin for it, best thing he could have done was buy that board he ran rings around us all arvo. Pete went out wide to get boogying and Adam and myself practised beach starts and using the harness. I found the harness great for saving energy but clunky for the loss of feel and control that you have when you're hanging on with your arms.