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Spit Highrise Development Planning Meeting Result

Created by LostinSpace > 9 months ago, 13 Sep 2016
QLD, 388 posts
13 Sep 2016 12:59PM
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Hi to all that care about Proposed Multi Storey Developments Planned and seeking Approval for The Gold Coast, Main Beach Seaway Spit Area which are totally inconsiderate and contrary to the wishes of the many thousands of Gold Coast Residents that do not want Multi Storey Highrise Developments in the whole proposed location (ever!), Environment, sensible and sustainable Urban Planning Ideals for now and into the future, Current Planning Laws only allowing for 3 Storey Height Development, Increased Traffic Grid Lock, Ruination of your Recreational Freedoms and Development that will block and disturb wind patterns across the Broadwater to what has become for well over the past 40 years a traditional Flatwater Sailing Area known to be frequented regularly by 100's of low impact recreational enthusiast Windsurfers and Kiteboarders.

On arrival at this mornings meeting, I entered the Gold Coast Arts Centre Building where the meeting was being held, where I held up a poster that read "HIGHRISE ON OUR SPIT, NO BLOODY WAY" I was met with rousing applause but was told to get out of the Building by Security as he stated there a no banners or posters allowed in the Building. So I was outside in the Forecourt holding my sign up where it did not take too long before 'OLD CHIEF WAREWOLF' told me to get off the complete premises with that poster and if I did not then he will get the Police (a group of about 6 of them standing nearby) to arrest me. I could see the group of Coppers starting to make a "B Line" towards me, so I thought the best tactic was to retreat and go and stash my sign and come back which I did. I was severely closely monitored there after by "BIG BROTHERS". It was nice that some people did come to my aid and say to the Security Dude, that this is Public Property and he is the Public who Owns it and pays your wages, so he has every right to be here and display his opinion, but Security Dude was not having any part of that and Pig Headed went on with a look of much vengeance and aggression bullied me off the joint and then went on the hunt for me after, through the carpark area.

Todays meeting by the Gold Coast City Councils Planning Committee was to assess for approval or refusal for Sunland's Development Application for a Two 40 odd Multi Storey Development to the Fishermans Warf Site on the Main Beach Spit on recommendations and advice given by Councils Development Assessment Committee's recommendations and findings. GCCC Development Assessment Committee tabled an approximate 90 page report on it's findings and stating unanimously that the Development did not comply for granting of Development Approval over approximately 14 Major Points of Issue. During the Planning Committee meeting pretty well all the meeting was taken up with discussions back and forth by Planning Committee Members and Councillors' about proposed road works to the development and traffic implication which were only one point of the 14 of reason against the proposal. There was heavy biased in favour of the Development on Mayor Tom Tate's speeches to the committee that all the traffic problems he thinks are nothing and can be solved easy and that they Council will look to widening or rebuilding the Sundale Bridge with very flakey costings (of approximate $10 miilion I think the figure was mentioned?) to Solve the problems and create a finger extension of the light rail facility down to SeaWorld of an approximate preliminary estimate of $200 million. It was discussed that all Sunland's proposed contribution to upgraded roadworks will be a 45% contribution to the upgrade of 2 Roundabouts in the nearby location only and that any of road works or transport infrastructure will have to be a tax and rate payers expense. One Councillor put forward the proposal that he would like to see an increased bus service there to ferry everyone to the Far North Point of the Spit, that was met with a lot of laughs and ridicule from the Gallery.

Mayor Tom Tate and Cr Dawn Crichlow had to leave the meeting half way through but then Cr Gary Baildon tried to push forward a motion to by pass this Planning Committee's recommendations on the basis of he wants Council to source some more information in the next one and a half days from Queensland State Government as to what details can be given on the Proposed ASF Casino and Integrated Resort Development on land just South of the Main Beach Spit SeaWorld Carpark and a proposed Bridge from that Development extending across the Broadwater directly to the Broadwater Parklands at Southport so that the full Council Board can make the decision instead of this Planning Committee.

Which it does not take half a brain to understand that this move then takes the power away from the Planning Committee that has many recommendations to disapprove the Development Application today and hand the decision onto Council on this coming Thursday to make the decision about the proposed Development and whereby it has been reported that many of those Counsellor's have been entertained, schmoosed and their political campaigns donated to by Developers.

So my take on this, is I fear the Council are or will be heavily biased in favour of the Developers and approve the Development against all sound recommendation by the Council's own Assessment Committee and Officers that the Development not be approved. I will list the details bellow of anyone interested who would like to attend this Thursday's GCCC Full Council Board Meeting on whether they approve the Development themselves or not???

Decision Time

The Gold Coast City Council are about to make a decision on the Sunland development on The Spit and we need your help to tell them this proposal is simply not in the public interest…

* To build Sunland’s two apartment towers (comprising, one tower being 47 storeys high and the other tower being 39 storeys high) in a 3-storey height zone

* To extend the Mariners Cove Marina 70 metres out into the Broadwater * To block Seaworld Drive with traffic * To build apartments out over the Broadwater

* Will block and disturb wind patterns coming across the Broadwater and ruination of a traditional, rare resourse, safe, flatwater sailing area

* Start a precedence and open the door for the whole Main Beach Spit Area to be developed out with many Major Multi Storey Developments

* Mindless distruction of historic sensible and sound good urban plan practice of retaining open urban recreational/green space areas forever destroyed for now and future generations, whereby there are many current zones and available developable land throughout the Gold Coast City to cater for these types of developments

One Public Rallies will be held and we need your assistance of attendance

GCCC Council Meeting Thursday 15 September 12:30pm to 1:30pm


Council Chambers, Evandale, Bundall…next to Arts Centre. If you don’t agree to high-rises on The Spit please come along and let Council know how you feel…your presence will make a difference. There is up to 2 hours free parking there.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
13 Sep 2016 2:39PM
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I greened thumbed your efforts with this disaster. Not how the meeting went or how you were treated. I red thumbed that.

It all sounds very suss how Tom Tate has suddenly made an issue about the traffic being a big problem. How can this be solved Tom?

What about a bridge paid for by some developers?

Also, I'm sure I heard the GCWA admit last night that they have 'signed off' on the reclamation for this (12 months ago) and giving no better explanation that 'it makes a nice tidy line' between the two marinas. The developers will be waving this around calling it an improvement to the Broadwater as recommended by the GCWA.

QLD, 388 posts
13 Sep 2016 6:42PM
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Hi all, it's me I am back again after what will possibly be some of my last kitey sessions at the Kfc's Kiting Spot on the Goldy.

I don't think the General Public, Citizens and Rate Payers of the Gold Coast, Regular Users, Dog Walkers, Picknickers, Surfers, Fishermen or Fisherwomen, Jet Skiers, Boaters all fully understand the gravity of these Developments Proposed for the Main Beach Spit on the Gold Coast as the impression I was given from what the Planning Committee and Council Members were eluding to, in order to address and fix up the traffic and parking problems going to and from the Spit is to provide limited vehicular access in the future as the pressure to use the roads in and out will be increased to a certain extent based on conservative figures as put forward by the Developers Consultants to Council and possibly a few more that Council do not have any details on yet from the State Government and those Developments the State Government is involved with and in negotiation with (mainly ASF/Packer/Crown Casino Fully Integrated Resort/Casino/Residential Development). That the better use of Public Transport to people to and from the Spit for them to recreate seems to be something they Councillors are suggesting. There was no input or ideas to there ideas as to how Cars Towing Boats and Jet Ski's are still going to be able to access, Surfers carting there Surfboards, Fishermen/Fisherwomen with their rods and tackle, Picknickers with their barbecues, seats, tables, esky's and tribe of kids or people with their Doggies are all going cart all there gear to and from utilising suggested forms of Public Transport to access the area. It appears if these Developments are allowed to proceed, then everyone who used to access the Spit Peninsula Areas are going to have to pay to access and possibly park there vehicles maybe in a centrally located off site locations, that was not even given an inkling of mention or thought by Councillors.

Another major issue is here, Mayor Tom Tate seems to favour the idea to increase 3 lanes going out of SeaWorld Drive up to the Sundale Bridge and then demolishing the walkway on the Eastern Side of Sundale Bridge and providing 3 lanes of traffic on the Sundale Bridge heading North (Currently only 2 lanes) and 2 lanes of traffic continuing as is of current to head South over the Sundale Bridge. It appeared this would all be done at Rate Payers expense and the only thing the Developer has agreed to voluntarily assist with is contribute 45% to the coast of upgrading 2 Roundabouts. So if you can read between the lines here, certain Councillors appear to want to spend a motza of Public Money to assist in the infrastructure to fully assist the Developers Project.

Other major issues that were briefly discussed towards the end of the meeting was that Gold Coast Waterway Authority had granted conditional approval over 12 months ago to the Sunland Developments ability to reclaim land into the Broadwater as the Developer Proposed so there was no issue on Council's behalf on this matter. Another major issue that was brought up and one that the spokeswomen for the Assessment Committee said was completely against the Local Area Plan for the Spit and a major grounds why they recommend to the Planning Committee in their report tabled in this meeting to reject Sunland's Development Application was that there was little or no explanation offered by Sunland's Architects or Consultants as to why the Council should approve the Development when the Development is clearly for greater than 3 Stories of Construction Height Limit and in accordance with the requirements of the Council's own Local Area Plan for the area. There was talk of this then by some Council Officers that these rules were under review and those reviews were meant to be completed over approximately a month ago but had not at this stage and those reviews now look unlikely for at least another 12 months.

I personally get the feeling that most people I have spoken to who are for these Developments in these areas are not aware of all the implications and I admit neither am I, but I have a fair idea due to being a former Building Designer for most of my life, that they think these wonderful Developers are Building these you-beaut (debatable) Developments for and to entertain them, when all I can see is these Developments are aimed at a cash grab sell off investment apartments to Internationals, employment, entertainment and business by and aimed at Internationals and most of us normal Aussies will benefit absolutely zip from the whole thing and get excluded from access from the areas we grew to love to recreate even if it did look like a two-bob sheethouse!

For all those that are for these Developments, all I can say is be careful what you wish for as I can clearly see in my own mind this is going to have a sting in it's tail like no other and this will be a point of no return

QLD, 14471 posts
14 Sep 2016 8:18AM
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do you realise that any of the land owners along the spit could build a code compliant development, 3 storeys high that would have far bigger effect on the traffic situation and provide absolutely nothing in terms of amenity for that area.

For eg, Sunland could build a shopping centre, 3 storeys high that services many more cars than the current proposal

I have to ask the obvious question here. how do you have a fair idea. have you designed any public spaces or high rise buildings.

QLD, 388 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:30AM
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Gestalt said..
do you realise that any of the land owners along the spit could build a code compliant development, 3 storeys high that would have far bigger effect on the traffic situation and provide absolutely nothing in terms of amenity for that area.

For eg, Sunland could build a shopping centre, 3 storeys high that services many more cars than the current proposal

I have to ask the obvious question here. how do you have a fair idea. have you designed any public spaces or high rise buildings.

Gestalt, Gestalt, Gestalt, Oh ye of little faith!

Yes, I do realise that but that is not the issue here and by the way Council Officers did mention yesterday at the Planning Meeting that this might be Sunland's back up plan if their Multi Storey Highrise Development does not get approved. No matter what, Mayor Tom Tate's Government is prepared to help these Developers at all cost by spending Multi Millions of Dollars of Rate and Tax Payers Money or limiting the General Publics Vehicular access to the area and as suggested in the Planning Meeting by the Councillors to have greater Public Transport infrastructure to service access to the Main Beach Spit by way of possibly an extension finger of the Light Rail Network at a preliminary estimate of $200 million to extend as far as the SeaWorld Carpark, The creation of a Water Ferry Service (Mayor Tom Tate's ongoing pet project) and/or increased Public Bus Service, demolish a Pedestrian Walkway on the Southport Bridge and have 3 lanes going North over the Bridge (currently 2) and 2 lanes as existing running South over the Bridge at a preliminary cost estimate of $10 million to do but they would have to approach the State Government on that one as it's a State Government owned Bridge.

I just want to harp on about a particular point that I may not have made so clear on yesterday, of the Council Development Assessments Committee recommendation to the Council Planning Committee, that this project not be approved was the lady spokeswoman yesterday said for a World renowned firm of Architects such as Hadid & Partners for Sunland, they failed in their application submissions as to present any sound reasoning as to why or the merits their multi storey building in height should be allowed when it is contrary to the Local Area Plan of only 3 Storey Permissible Height Building and that the Assessment Committee were at a bit of a loss as to this seeing it would in no doubt constitute a major issue? Sounded to me but there again I could be wrong but I doubt it, that Hadid & Partners or Sunland were or are that confident that they could just design anything they wanted for the site and it will get through as they have the right men/women in Havana all on side with it!

To answer your obvious questions, yes I have designed a couple of medium size regional shopping centres in my time and been part of working teams designing many highrise building in the past, so what is your point here? Or what does that have to do with the price of fish?

Anyway as I have been informed, you Gestalt Old Buddy, live in Brisvegas and understandable this is not in your backyard, so I feel it is necessary for the viewers to understand who you are and what's your personal interest in the project, which you have remained in your closet about so far

QLD, 14471 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:17PM
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so traffic is not the issue now? I thought to you it was an issue.

it wasn't an issue in the traffic report that formed part of the DA and the abc reported this yesterday.

"Cr Tate was told by council engineers delays of about an extra minute or 600 metres would be expected along Waterways Drive if the Sunland application was

I really recommend you take the time to download and read the da. there is extensive justification for the development. as would be expected in a planners report.
there are comparisons to the 2003 plan, the 2015 draft plan and the SEQ regional plan. there is also reference of the bilbao effect, economic benefits, cultural benefits, view studies etc. you may not except the justifications but they are there and it's all public.

no disrespect but your posts don't read like you have the level of experience you claim. you seem to have taken the whole thing personally. what is with the disrespect for the consultants, architects and councillors involved. i think you even said there was a conspiracy. this process is really very "normal". the planning codes are guidelines only. anyone can seek approval for anything they want.

also, i don't live in brisvegas, i actually don't pay any rates in Brisbane at all. i haven't for 15 years. seems you were given wrong info there. i actually can get to the broadwater faster than brisvegas. i do spend a lot of time on the gold coast, with family, work, using the "green space". so yes it is my back yard. same with Brisbane. lifes good hey......

who are the viewers? are we on tv..... hi mum.....

QLD, 5283 posts
14 Sep 2016 10:24PM
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That poses the question Gestalt....why don't you care about the potential wind shadow of two enormous buildings side by side upwind of the two best flatwater windsurfing and kiting spots on the Gold Coast?
Have you lost the love of windsurfing?
As Haircut said at the beginning of your tirade against preserving our sailing spot "has someone hacked your account?"
I wish you well in your new adventures, i for one hope no giant towers are built on a spit that was zoned three storeys many years ago by a council with a conscience and a vision.

QLD, 14471 posts
14 Sep 2016 10:57PM
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I haven't lost the love.

as I said in my original post. to me this is a building of cultural significance. while that means nothing to some it means something to others.

QLD, 5283 posts
14 Sep 2016 11:24PM
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Sorry Gestalt, it is a giant windblock on the entire Broadwater and I am surprised more wind enthusiasts are not involved in the discussion.

QLD, 14471 posts
15 Sep 2016 1:08AM
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how do we know if that's true.

maybe it is and maybe it isn't. if the entire spit were filled with high rise then I'd agree but one building 35m wide, 2.2 km from kfc and 1.5km from the train is hard to tell.

NSW, 106 posts
15 Sep 2016 11:48AM
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Not at all sure of what you're suggesting here Gestalt - sounds like it's to go ahead with the development and then find out it really is a wind shadow - surely that's a classic 'oops' moment?

QLD, 14471 posts
15 Sep 2016 3:03PM
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not really dave. I've got a pretty good idea it won't be an issue but I'm not a façade engineer.

my bet is if this building gets built you will all still be sailing at kfc which is more than 2km away. claims of wiping out 80% of the Broadwater and wind block I don't really buy into.

QLD, 217 posts
15 Sep 2016 5:57PM
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Ive sailed goldcoast for over 25years every little development south has affected the run.
Only decent wind you get at the train now is se or e .
It was sailable at the train right from sw s se to n.
You have no idea.
Ive giving up on goldcoast broadwater and guys who talk hsit

QLD, 6483 posts
15 Sep 2016 6:07PM
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Can someone please clarify the link between this development and culture??.....the term being in Tommy's statement on the radio a week or so back

Does it mean it's maintaining the goldcoast culture to develop everywhere and on anything that was once beautiful, and could be enjoyed by all just as it was?

QLD, 5610 posts
15 Sep 2016 6:56PM
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Here's some clarification on Gold Coast culture for ya mate.

QLD, 14471 posts
15 Sep 2016 7:30PM
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Haircut said...
Can someone please clarify the link between this development and culture??.....the term being in Tommy's statement on the radio a week or so back

Does it mean it's maintaining the goldcoast culture to develop everywhere and on anything that was once beautiful, and could be enjoyed by all just as it was?

QLD, 642 posts
15 Sep 2016 8:10PM
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I am an original Gold Coaster. I no longer see it as home and it is nothing like the place I grew up in. I really doubt the capability of the development fraternity to have any clue about culture, remembering all those original inhabitants of our land who were forced to go and have their bbq somewhere else. It could be argued though that the Gold Coast culture was, broadly speaking, surfing and fishing. for a long time now it has been about buildings and making lots of money so that you can build bigger buildings.

QLD, 1100 posts
15 Sep 2016 8:54PM
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Please that link could have come with a health warning! I just vommitted my Spag Bol up.....what a mess, gross...

'the developer 'says'' what , cause a developer 'says something' in the local rag it makes it cultural! Let alone fact, or real, please, give the general population some IQ credit.

Culture buildings, steel & concrete? I had to double check myself in case I'd missed that session at school that described 'culture as the art of building fkn big skyscrapers ugly as sin' I googled it, as you do....nope...not a mention of such..

lot of explanations about, none that say fkn big buildings....although one could argue that Gold Coast Culture (at least at the Surfers End) could mean the ritual of putting warmer clothes on at 4pm in summer whilst on the beach because the freaking giant skyscrapers have blocked out the sun and it's a bit chilly by the sea in the dark... That could fit that 'cultural' definition perhaps. Or ' cha ching more bling' perhaps that's the part I'm missing..more 'bling' to add to the Nth GC culture.

Have you just won a job with developer or something Justin? I have never seen someone so passionate about some steel and concrete!

Feel sorry for the GC crew, seems that Nth end is doomed to steel and concrete, if it's not this one, there will be another.... You may be able to get the area listed under 'heritage' as 'culturally significant ' they did that with some caravan parks here on the Sunshine coast to stop them getting ripped up and turned into monstrosities like this one, and it worked..., those sites have been listed and the developers had to go play else where.

If it wasn't for Heritage listing we would have similar pieces of crap at Cotton tree, and Munna Point Noosa as two examples.

NSW, 106 posts
15 Sep 2016 9:42PM
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Definitely confused about where the 'cultural significance' Gestalt talks about comes from. An art gallery, (haven't we got a few of these already?) museum (I'm sure we've got some of these on the Coast) and an underground aquarium (so that we can actually see the sorts of fish we've wiped out by over-development of the Broadwater?) really don't seem to meet the definition of cultural significance I'm familiar with.

Don't necessarily agree with his praise of Zaha Hadid either. There's plenty of criticism that her architecture simply 'sucks in whatever ideology is close', in this case glitzy, unsightly high rises, night clubs, bikies, drugs etc.). Someone pointed out that her design for the Tokyo Olympic Stadium looks like a turtle waiting for Japan to sink to make it's way out to sea and an art historian has criticized how at least one of her designs (in Rome) actually shuts out the community rather than welcomes it in. The Sunland design certainly doesn't seem to be too welcoming for the average punter with limited funds wanting to visit.

Not true that precedence plays no part in planning. Land and Environment courts are renowned for taking precedence into account when determining appeals against planning decisions and once council has approved one high rise development in breach of its own three storey limits then people have Buckley's chance of stopping future high rise.

And this point is important because while the Sunland development may be on an existing, developed site, that site is not high rise and does not open the door for the rest of the Spit to be reclaimed over time for high rise. This is what Lost in Space correctly identifies as the potential to lose scarce, valuable and irreplaceable green space.

I don't think the high rise building Gestalt talks about to the south are actually on the Spit are they? What council approves on privately owned land is one thing but what it approves on land belonging to the community (as the Spit does) is surely another?

Finally, has anyone considered how expensive it is at present for governments to protect beach side properties as sea levels rise and cyclones increase? Whatever developments are constructed on the Spit are going to be subject to climate extremes so shouldn't we either not put them there to start with or (worst case scenario) keep them small and low key so we don't have to invest billions in saving them?

QLD, 6483 posts
15 Sep 2016 9:54PM
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from the local rag, i'm just reiterating the obvious covered by the last two statements

[i]Australian Institute of Architects Gold Coast co-chairman and former city architect Philip Follent said he was “astounded” at councillors’ desire to go against their officers’ recommendations.

Mr Follent yesterday urged councillors to vote against the proposal and sent a letter direct to Cr Baildon to sway opinion of the man who could hold the deciding vote.

“It would set the precedent for all development on The Spit to be of a high rise nature,” he said.

“If the council chooses to approve the development … it will destroy what little faith the public currently have in the planning assessment process and we might as well not have a planning scheme.”

QLD, 14471 posts
15 Sep 2016 9:56PM
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JonesySail said..
Please that link could have come with a health warning! I just vommitted my Spag Bol up.....what a mess, gross...

'the developer 'says'' what , cause a developer 'says something' in the local rag it makes it cultural! Let alone fact, or real, please, give the general population some IQ credit.

Culture buildings, steel & concrete? I had to double check myself in case I'd missed that session at school that described 'culture as the art of building fkn big skyscrapers ugly as sin' I googled it, as you do....nope...not a mention of such..

lot of explanations about, none that say fkn big buildings....although one could argue that Gold Coast Culture (at least at the Surfers End) could mean the ritual of putting warmer clothes on at 4pm in summer whilst on the beach because the freaking giant skyscrapers have blocked out the sun and it's a bit chilly by the sea in the dark... That could fit that 'cultural' definition perhaps. Or ' cha ching more bling' perhaps that's the part I'm missing..more 'bling' to add to the Nth GC culture.

Have you just won a job with developer or something Justin? I have never seen someone so passionate about some steel and concrete!

Feel sorry for the GC crew, seems that Nth end is doomed to steel and concrete, if it's not this one, there will be another.... You may be able to get the area listed under 'heritage' as 'culturally significant ' they did that with some caravan parks here on the Sunshine coast to stop them getting ripped up and turned into monstrosities like this one, and it worked..., those sites have been listed and the developers had to go play else where.

If it wasn't for Heritage listing we would have similar pieces of crap at Cotton tree, and Munna Point Noosa as two examples.

did you actually say out loud that architecture Is not part of culture. that's embarrassing.

QLD, 6483 posts
15 Sep 2016 9:57PM
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that's two more

QLD, 14471 posts
15 Sep 2016 10:01PM
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lol, make it 3....

QLD, 5283 posts
15 Sep 2016 11:12PM
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....Before wave break island

QLD, 388 posts
16 Sep 2016 12:33AM
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BooYah! Swell and Waves in the Broady, looked as though they would have been seriously fun times. Plus more than likely that would have been in the days when you could have gone out on any wind direction BEFORE MULTI STOREY HIGHRISE BUILDING DEVELOPMENTS STARTED BLOCKING THE WIND I BET!

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
16 Sep 2016 1:04PM
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After Tom Tate...

QLD, 105 posts
16 Sep 2016 4:52PM
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greenleader said..
....Before wave break island

that shot brings back some awesome memories of sailing the bar

QLD, 28 posts
16 Sep 2016 5:07PM
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At the rate at which the water is vanishing, we will all eventually have to move to Wellington Point Anyway.....!!!

QLD, 28 posts
16 Sep 2016 5:29PM
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The only "Gold Coast Cultural improvements" that have occurred over the years is BUMS BAY Free Loaders / Wealthy Wanna Be' s - Polluting our beautiful Waterways....with their daily deposits .Where are the efforts to maintain/police existing pressures which are already chocking the natural process of NATURE in the Broadwater . We can only learn from experiences in the Currumbin Creek Estuary System , few years back when people started spotting Green Glowing Algae throughout the canal system upstream , it was only then that the local government realised the severity of Messing with the natural water flow dynamics of Mother Nature, forcing them now to regularly dredge the mouth... Only an ignorant fool can deny that THE NORTHERN WATERWAYS ARE HEADING IN THE SAME DIRECTION... The problem is much larger than what we are lead to believe...

QLD, 6483 posts
16 Sep 2016 6:33PM
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greenleader said..
....Before wave break island


QLD, 14471 posts
16 Sep 2016 9:05PM
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ZakK said..
The only "Gold Coast Cultural improvements" that have occurred over the years is BUMS BAY Free Loaders / Wealthy Wanna Be' s - Polluting our beautiful Waterways....with their daily deposits .Where are the efforts to maintain/police existing pressures which are already chocking the natural process of NATURE in the Broadwater . We can only learn from experiences in the Currumbin Creek Estuary System , few years back when people started spotting Green Glowing Algae throughout the canal system upstream , it was only then that the local government realised the severity of Messing with the natural water flow dynamics of Mother Nature, forcing them now to regularly dredge the mouth... Only an ignorant fool can deny that THE NORTHERN WATERWAYS ARE HEADING IN THE SAME DIRECTION... The problem is much larger than what we are lead to believe...

this is something not talked about enough. people tend to focus on quantity and not quality. urban sprawl is a big threat to the gold coast and it's natural environment. low height broad expanse residential developments that make no attempt to enhance local culture. nothing more than developer driven product. The flow on effect is runoff and pollution. Whole communities become open to health issues as residents are forced to drive to get anywhere. Increased costs also go to the states to build and maintain services and infrastructure and provide health care. all in all a very bad outcome for the planet and local community.

the solution and accepted approach is to centralise and increase density within cities. providing mixed use developments around transport hubs. Creating cities where people can walk to local parks and shops finding everything in a 2km radius including transport. Allowing people to leave the car at home or sell it and improve social exchange within their community as they walk to the things they need.

the challenge of increasing density is the impact that has on public and private space. medium rise high density (3-4 storey) developments don't encourage good amenity. often resulting in a loss of ground plane as entire sites become built mass.

high rise is one solution. proportionally an increase in height allows the same yield to be achieved over a smaller foot print. a smaller footprint allows bigger setbacks which encourage a more open ground plane for public use. additionally, creating a smaller footprint high rise on a site results in more space between buildings to provide improved private amenity.

offering mixed use high rise developments that include public space within the ground plane enhances connection to adjacent sites and services.

the flow on effects are a better environment, better community, a better sense of place and identity.

unfortunately on the gold coast there are many examples of high rise buildings that don't achieve the above. If the conversation becomes about quality and not quantity it helps inform the general public.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Spit Highrise Development Planning Meeting Result" started by LostinSpace