Received my new KA Koncepts this morning and had a session on the new 7m today. The 7m is a new sail to the range and it handled a gusty 20knots with ease. I even managed a lake pb using it in choppy, bumpy conditions. Can't wait to get it on flat water.
Col - I rig my 7m Koncept on a Hot Sails Maui Hot Rod 97% RDM.
After a bit of tuning (thanks Norts and Jesper) I reckon it's great. Love the sail. JJ
430 rdm or 460 on the 7.0...? thanks in advance
430, can run on either SDM or RDM with different cams.
Is that rigged on a rdm ?
the sail is rigged on a ka 430 Sdm 100%
Got our sails but havnt had a chance to get them on the water , i think the 7m is a great addition to the koncept range and look forward to getting it out there and will post some photos as soon as we can
430 rdm or 460 on the 7.0...? thanks in advance
I tried the 7m on a 460 RDM - ok, perhaps lacking a bit in twist off as expected (doable if it's your only RDM mast).
430 RDM feels right - (using constant curve RDMs - Hot Sails Hot Rods)
430 rdm or 460 on the 7.0...? thanks in advance
I tried the 7m on a 460 RDM - ok, perhaps lacking a bit in twist off as expected (doable if it's your only RDM mast).
430 RDM feels right - (using constant curve RDMs - Hot Sails Hot Rods)
I used all my 2014 koncepts on rdm's last year with shims and rdm cams in place and they all worked well. This year I have changed back to sdm's and I think the set is better.
430 rdm or 460 on the 7.0...? thanks in advance
I tried the 7m on a 460 RDM - ok, perhaps lacking a bit in twist off as expected (doable if it's your only RDM mast).
430 RDM feels right - (using constant curve RDMs - Hot Sails Hot Rods)
sorry but hot rod masts are not constant curve...
Is that minimum downhaul?
Yes. Sometimes I have trouble getting max downhaul without some help. Also I think the sail will stretch a bit after a few uses which will make it easier to downhaul. I am thinking of going back to a north xtr extension. I used to use them but got sick of replacing parts.
I was told hot rods are close to 13.5% bend curve, is that wrong?
Pretty sure that is correct. The ones I tested went 13 to 14% as per specs.
I run my 2014 Koncepts on RDM's except the 7.5m on SDM
For the 2015's I have to use a mixture of SDM and RDM as I have some in-between sizes this years and don't have quite enough masts and bases. (hard to believe isn't it!)
I run my 2014 4.2m, 4.6m, 5.0m on RDM's
2015 5.4m and 6.2m on RDM's and 5.8m and 6.6m on SDM's, but I might go to RDM with the 5.8m. Generally speaking the larger sizes (+6.2m) will work best on SDM's and smaller on RDM's but I have a 430 RDM that is slightly stiffer than the standard 21 (it's 24) and it works really well on the 6.2m and 6.6m.
The 2015 Koncepts have been better tolerance in the cam fit this year which means no need for cam spacers so far and nice clean luff set.
Also, if you are using RDM's, a suggest using the older type RDM cam rather than the newer one in the middle position as it is a bit easier to pop on when rigging.
Is that minimum downhaul?
Hard to tell from photos, but I would say you are probably right. I run a little bit more when powered up than what that appears, and probably a touch less outhaul, but with adjustable outhaul one can tune that on the water.
Here is my first rigging of the 5.8m on SDM mast but older KA mast that is more like 12% rather than newer 13.5%. It worked very well at the SHQ slalom where I won my 3 races.
The KA race sail not the Koncept have become all the rage over here.
Nice bright colours.
Still think its the person though. Jesper would still win on a pre 2000 sail,lets face the truth.
Unfortunately you can't buy technique
Has anyone got any photos of the race sails rigged ?
Very interested in seeing what they look like
This is the final pre production proto 8.7
If you go to Kasails facebook site, quite a few photos there.
On Ka website the photos show a single conventional clew ring, but yours has two. Is that third clew ring functional? looks as though it would reduce twist considerably, perhaps a speed setting? Does this affect the cross batten function?
Another thing i've been wondering is the relevance of the circle printed on the cam battens entry to the luff pocket.
This 5.8 Koncept has 3,3,1 i've seen the 6.6 has 3,3,2 and my 2014 8.5 has 3,3,3.
Just curious.
Another thing i've been wondering is the relevance of the circle printed on the cams entry to the luff pocket.
This 5.8 Koncept has 3,3,1 i've seen the 6.6 has 3,3,2 and my 2014 8.5 has 3,3,3.
Just curious.
To mess with peoples brains
On Ka website the photos show a single conventional clew ring, but yours has two. Is that third clew ring functional? looks as though it would reduce twist considerably, perhaps a speed setting? Does this affect the cross batten function?
The image on the website is a sketch, not photo. When we added the outboard eyelet which is for light marginal conditions we were going to have only one eyelet in the normal location but decided on 2 after testing. We haven't updated the sketch on the website.
Another thing i've been wondering is the relevance of the circle printed on the cams entry to the luff pocket.
This 5.8 Koncept has 3,3,1 i've seen the 6.6 has 3,3,2 and my 2014 8.5 has 3,3,3.
Just curious.
To mess with peoples brains
Nah....i rekon theres something in it. I'll find out Martin.
On Ka website the photos show a single conventional clew ring, but yours has two. Is that third clew ring functional? looks as though it would reduce twist considerably, perhaps a speed setting? Does this affect the cross batten function?
You can see in this photo Gautier is using the outboard eyelet. It was something Peter Volwater requested us to try and he liked it in testing for very marginal underpowered conditions. It holds the lower leech tighter and limits the reverse S giving more power and drive off the lower leech
. I would recommend this eyelet only for very light conditions as soon as you are fully powered the sail is faster, breathes better and has a lighter feel on the inboard eyelets. It may also work for Speed sailing on very, very broad angles but you need somewhere like Luderitz to test it.
Either Steve Stratfold or Jesper Orth.
Pepe, as far as I know Jesper is a team rider, not a stockist & Steve will be stocking Loft.
I know Jesper would probably let me demo his sails as he has before but I don't think it's fair to be trying someone's personal gear.
Not sure Jesper has any Koncepts anyway.
On Ka website the photos show a single conventional clew ring, but yours has two. Is that third clew ring functional? looks as though it would reduce twist considerably, perhaps a speed setting? Does this affect the cross batten function?
You can see in this photo Gautier is using the outboard eyelet. It was something Peter Volwater requested us to try and he liked it in testing for very marginal underpowered conditions. It holds the lower leech tighter and limits the reverse S giving more power and drive off the lower leech
. I would recommend this eyelet only for very light conditions as soon as you are fully powered the sail is faster, breathes better and has a lighter feel on the inboard eyelets. It may also work for Speed sailing on very, very broad angles but you need somewhere like Luderitz to test it.
Hmmm...I've never tried the outboard eyelet on my Reflexes (blasphemy on this thread I know!)...but may now do in marginal conditions....