Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

2016 starboard isonic ?

Created by DarrylG > 9 months ago, 12 Nov 2014
151 posts
20 Sep 2015 4:07AM
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The boards are my usual setup of 107 and 134.
Haven't yet tried them because the wind simply vanished, now I'm hoping for today.

The fins are new as well. C-fins 4.1 S- which should deliver unparallel control. First test ride in low wind didn't yet let me try their potential but for low wind the 4.0 or 1~2 cm longer than usual might be advisable. Once truly tested I'll write a report.

NSW, 1871 posts
20 Sep 2015 10:16AM
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ned321 said..

col5555 said..
who are c fin ? can find anything on the web

To make a long story short. Apparently they are so good, that a number of reputable riders sell their Z-fins (!!!!) and swap for C-fins. And apparently so good, that the guy who makes them doesn't need a fancy website.

I think I may bring out my A fins they'd have to be better than C or Z ......

Do we know what fins SB used to develop the boards with?

look forward to a full report when the wind co operates.

ps. May be time to start a new Isonic 2016 thread given his one started as a comedy thread,

151 posts
20 Sep 2015 5:19PM
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First outing with 134 today but didn't use my standard 48 z-fins but a Winheller 46cm LW with my R6 9,5.
Thought that the wind wasn't too strong the biggest difference I felt compared to my 2015 130l was that the gybes are easier with the thicker walls supporting better during the turn. Not sure how this will be looking with 8,6 full power but for now, it seems to be another evolutionary step.
The new straps seems to be not to bad as well. They actually way more comfy than my 1 year old straps.
The mounting is easy and the straps didn't twist even thought that the any twist plates are not coming with the board. I wonder how good the foam on the inside will be after a full season.

151 posts
27 Sep 2015 9:53PM
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Second outing on the 134 on Lake Biwa north of Kyoto.
The wind was gusting quite strong and the 8,6 R6 well loaded.
Today I used the z-fins 46 S--, Winheller 46 and C-fins 46. With all fins the new 134l had a more smooth start on the plane and also carried better though the jibe.
The Winheller fin had its strengths in the lulls while the C-fins needed the heavy gusts to come to real life. This fin didn't show any kind of overpower but might have been better in 47~48 cm, I'll have to try the 4.0 instead of the 4.1. All in all the z-fins 46 S-- showed best overall performance and speed while being easy to control.

From my point of view the new 134l iSonic is another step up from this years iSonic and highly recommended to upgrade if you need better jibing and earlier planing. The fear of less control, especially in high wind jibes, is not required.
Thumbs up from me.

The 107 is yet to be tested...


Ps. I'm riding for Starboard Japan but this is just my honest opinion.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"2016 starboard isonic ?" started by DarrylG