Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

99 2017 slalom board

Created by seanhogan > 9 months ago, 13 Oct 2016
QLD, 3424 posts
13 Oct 2016 12:10PM
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not a review but interesting talk about the cut outs at 3.14

3939 posts
14 Oct 2016 4:49AM
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Totally true as he knows
But, in the next year, he will have "improved" the shape by revising most of the dimensions of the cutout and also changing the rocker line, rail shape, and outline, to sell you a new improved product.

WA, 6415 posts
14 Oct 2016 2:33PM
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Still not a faster board out there for peak speed in chop than the 2012 Sonic wood.

I would like medium and larger boards made with the same specs,just in a larger size.

Its all in the mind buying new sails and boards. Heard a board designer admit that new slalom boards haven't improved in many years!

Reckon its great folks have the money to buy new boards though - so a few years later poor souls can buy them for a third or so of the price.

QLD, 2315 posts
16 Oct 2016 6:44AM
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petermac33 said...
Still not a faster board out there for peak speed in chop than the 2012 Sonic wood.

Based on what?

I do agree that boards aren't getting faster, those that have results in some other sacrifice in board performance, if you got the right boards not alot has improved in the last decade.

Possibly though board/sail/mast/fin evolve to compliment each design change better, mainly to suit pwa which may not suit everyone else.

Best still to watch the vid, learn something & not do the typical thread hijack

3939 posts
16 Oct 2016 9:56AM
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My 1986 Seatrend custom epoxy mid wind slalom board weighed 13 lbs., 9' x 23", slight double concave starting a foot back from the nose to peak at the wide point, then faded out by the front straps to a panel V with 40" of dead flat from tail to 8" in front of the front footstrraps. Strap locations 9 and 30, mast track at 58" from the tip of the tail, volume around 100 liters. No cutouts, but tail was only 39cm OFO, Tuttle box, standard G-10 33cm semi blade fin.
At least for other team rider's had the exact same board, although with different strap placements.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"99 2017 slalom board" started by seanhogan