Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Atomiq 2017 104L

Created by HotBodMon > 9 months ago, 11 Sep 2017
NSW, 590 posts
11 Sep 2017 1:38PM
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Worlds worst review coming up . This board was purchased from the nice people at Board Crazy.

I cannot tell you a lot about this board as I have only used it a dozen or so times but I can comment on a few instantly noticeable things... It is fast enough , almost as quick as my slalom .F2 SX. especially paired with an appropriate pointer fin and Freerace sail.
It is VERY stable , easily up hauling a 7.8m sail in open ocean .
Nice BIG juicy pads , In saying that I found the straps slightly further back than what I'm used too , but seemed to be about right when Fanging.
Nice and Light . Smallish double concaves (compared to Tabou)
Like starboard say it has quite a flat rocker, A bit flatter than what I thought before purchasing. Being used to wave boards, I needed something for open ocean swell in lightish airs.. but too my surprise it seems to travel safely enough through modest chop and up to 20 knots'ish. I'm 74kg.

The main reason for this unfulfilling review is if anyone is contemplating one I'm happy to post photo's of any aspect of the board you are interested in as it's sometimes a challenge to judge from pictures on the websites (unlike RRD's wicked 3D studio pics ).

Happy Sailing

QLD, 3424 posts
11 Sep 2017 4:17PM
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straps are back to front !

NSW, 590 posts
11 Sep 2017 5:57PM
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seanhogan said..
straps are back to front !

Eyes a bak da front sorta person, Funny you mentioned that as I forgot to add the rear straps are angled "out" as such not parallel which is a bit funny when trying to locate the strap as they seem to get kicked. But in Supa blast Mode it kinda works somehow ,I think by twisting your inside hip slightly forward ???

NSW, 8087 posts
12 Sep 2017 11:13AM
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seanhogan said..
straps are back to front !

I didn't know they had a way they are supposed to be angled..

NSW, 1277 posts
12 Sep 2017 2:59PM
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sboardcrazy said..

seanhogan said..
straps are back to front !

I didn't know they had a way they are supposed to be angled..

Sue, I think Sean means white strap goes on white pad, red strap goes on red pad.

NSW, 8087 posts
12 Sep 2017 3:51PM
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QLD, 3424 posts
12 Sep 2017 4:27PM
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hahahah exactly !

style is "importanter" than performance !!! LOL


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Atomiq 2017 104L" started by HotBodMon