Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

Black Project Fins Type R - Slalom/Freerace fin

Created by AdamZ > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2015
5 posts
9 Nov 2015 4:59AM
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A freerace/slalom fin review with focus on the typical one board and fin quiver. If you are into fins please feel free to contribute on the topic:

SA, 2890 posts
11 Dec 2015 4:02PM
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I have been using BP fins for a couple of years and can relate to that review.
the main thing about them is that you use a smaller fin for same upwind and secure feeling.
which means you get to go faster without the fin letting go when you are cranking back upwind.
a few days ago overpowered on my old 5.8 in an Easterly at Shallow Inlet the downhaul pulley broke and left only the line wrap holding any downhaul. (lost about 3 inches.
Felt it go but was committed against the bank, waited for the fin to let go. but No it held.

SA, 565 posts
12 Dec 2015 3:56PM
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Off topic: Love that picture, great crop really captures the sensation of hooting along.

63 posts
20 Dec 2015 3:33AM
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Thanks for the review. Did you use the same size sails for the posted speeds with the 35,40 and 45? I own a few Type R's myself and have to agree that they are great fins. Very well made and a good allround design.


Forums > Windsurfing Gear Reviews

"Black Project Fins Type R - Slalom/Freerace fin" started by AdamZ