My girlfriend tested our new Blade pro 4.2 carbon fusion, rigged with a Severne red 370 in Garda Lake.
At a glance the sail is so beautiful, treated in every detail looks like a jewel, it is not to be put in the water but to be left in the living room, never seen such a well-kept product in our sport, As I will only think of taking it on a reef, it is not a sail it is a work of art.
On the water (very cold water 5? Garda Lake), my girlfriend tested it with the Pyro 79 (quad mode). Well my girlfriend said me that the sail probably is more powerfull than 2020 model but at the same time is more light in the hand.
What I observed looking at it from the beach was the early planning I was impressed by how I saw it start eraly planning, I think the sail is super reactive something really remarkable. It was used with two different trims, at the beginning the wind was quite strong for its 50kg, then we gave power to the sail because there were wind holes alternating with strong gusts. In both cases the sail seems to give burning accelerations. As the first day of windsurfing after a long winter it has closed two jibes if we also consider the cold and fatigue probably the sail is also much more maneuverable than the 2020 pro model.
In summary, she liked the sail a lot and much more than her old 4.2 blade pro 2020. I forgot, don't ask me why he doesn't use the S1pro given his weight, it would be difficult to explain in English. Loves blades has a difficult relationship with the S1 pro. As soon as I can 'try it personally I'll let you know'.
Yeah, it's amazing how Severne keep improving the Blade. I was super happy with an older Blade pro before I switched to the '21 model and also found it to be so much more powerful in the same size and still easy and light to handle. I couldn't possibly use that older sail now anymore
Sounds like the carbon infusion even takes it to another level! Great review!
Yeah, it's amazing how Severne keep improving the Blade. I was super happy with an older Blade pro before I switched to the '21 model and also found it to be so much more powerful in the same size and still easy and light to handle. I couldn't possibly use that older sail now anymore
Sounds like the carbon infusion even takes it to another level! Great review!
Thank you, I hope to try again this sail in the next few days, and than I will let you know about this super membrana. Hope for windy days.
Well finally yesterday I've try this carbon fusion sail (Blade pro 4.2) in Garda Lake, bump and jump condition and yes was a nice windy day (28 knosts).
I want to be clear this is a pure competition sail with an early planning so fast that has never been seen in our sport. The sail is alive.
The range of use is so wide that you can buy only on sail.
Profile stability is exceptional, no matter how you set up the sail, stability and performance are always exceptional.
I think the maneuverability has also improved a bit.
The lightness of the sail is amazing.
I've tested the sail with the mast Severne Rdm Red.
All other features of the Blade pro remained unchanged.
Some tips about the trim, with the right mast, the enigma boom and severne carbon extention on the sail you will find print 15 cm (of base extention) but reality is different you won't get to pull it to 14cm, you will get about 13.5 cm. For the boom one clip less than indicated on the sail.
About my girlfriend, she used this sail for 3 days with a Severne Pyro 79l and yes she loves this sail and improve a lot his jibe thanks to the lightness of this sail. He closed 14 gybes of which 8 consecutive had never happened. This is to convey the importance for a 50kg woman (who works and doesn't have as much time to go out windsurfing) to have an ultra-light rig combined with the highest possible profile stability. Surely Pyro 79 also has its merits she loves this board.